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What Are The Three Stages Of Skin Cancer

Treating Stage I Melanoma

The 4 Stages of Melanoma: The Deadliest Form of Skin Cancer – Mayo Clinic

Stage I melanoma is typically treated by wide excision . The width of the margin depends on the thickness and location of the melanoma. Most often, no other treatment is needed.

Some doctors may recommend a sentinel lymph node biopsy to look for cancer in nearby lymph nodes, especially if the melanoma is stage IB or has other characteristics that make it more likely to have spread. You and your doctor should discuss this option.

If the SLNB does not find cancer cells in the lymph nodes, then no further treatment is needed, although close follow-up is still important.

If cancer cells are found on the SLNB, a lymph node dissection might be recommended. Another option might be to watch the lymph nodes closely by getting an ultrasound of the nodes every few months.

If the SLNB found cancer, adjuvant treatment with an immune checkpoint inhibitor or targeted therapy drugs might be recommended to try to lower the chance the melanoma will come back. Other drugs or perhaps vaccines might also be options as part of a clinical trial.

Causes Of Skin Cancer

Your skin consists of three major layers known as the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. Skin cancer occurs when one of the cells that live in the outermost layer, the epidermis, goes bad and begins dividing uncontrollably.

These uncontrolled cell growths happen when damage and mutations in the skin cell DNA occurs. In skin cancer, this damage is almost always from UV radiation from sun exposure. Occasionally, there are other factors involved, such as a genetic tendency towards skin cancer, certain sun-sensitive medical conditions, or long-term exposure to certain chemicals.

Treatment For Skin Cancer

The primary goal of skin cancer treatment is to remove all of the cancerous cells. We use a few different types of removal methods depending on multiple factors including the type, extent, and location of your skin cancer. The main types of treatment include:

  • Surgical Excision
  • Electrodesiccation and Curettage

For skin cancers that are in sensitive areas of the body, such as the face and ears or for particularly large skin cancers, we recommend a specialized surgery called MOHS surgery. With this, the surgeon looks at the removed areas under the microscope during the surgery and removes any additional abnormal tissue necessary, until the entire cancer is assured to be completely removed. This is performed at specially-trained surgeons offices.

In some cases, we can use a topical chemotherapy cream to treat the cancer instead of performing a procedure, although this is not common and not considered first-line treatment.

Another, less common treatment treatment method is a procedure that uses a specialized radiation device. There are only a few centers in the area that have this device, and patients have expressed mixed reviews due to the number of treatments required. Additionally, the results are not better than other treatment methods.

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Tracking Changes To Your Skin With An App

Some people find it helpful to photograph areas of their skin such as the back or individual lesions to be able to better spot any future changes.

Over the past years, smartphone apps that can help consumers track moles and skin lesions for changes over time have become very popular and can be a very helpful tool for at-home skin checks.

This page does not replace a medical opinion and is for informational purposes only.

Please note, that some skin cancers may look different from these examples. See your doctor if you have any concerns about your skin.

It might also be a good idea to visit your doctor and have an open talk about your risk of skin cancer and seek for an advice on the early identification of skin changes.

* Prof. Bunker donates his fee for this review to the British Skin Foundation , a charity dedicated to fund research to help people with skin disease and skin cancer.

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Basal Cell Carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Skin And Actinic Keratosis Often Appear As A Change In The Skin

Skin cancer stages (source:

Not all changes in the skin are a sign of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, or actinic keratosis. Check with your doctor if you notice any changes in your skin.

Signs of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin include the following:

  • A sore that does not heal.
  • Areas of the skin that are:
  • Raised, smooth, shiny, and look pearly.
  • Firm and look like a scar, and may be white, yellow, or waxy.
  • Raised and red or reddish-brown.
  • Scaly, bleeding, or crusty.

Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin occur most often in areas of the skin exposed to the sun, such as the nose, ears, lower lip, or top of the hands.

Signs of actinic keratosis include the following:

  • A rough, red, pink, or brown, scaly patch on the skin that may be flat or raised.
  • Cracking or peeling of the lower lip that is not helped by lip balm or petroleum jelly.

Actinic keratosis occurs most commonly on the face or the top of the hands.

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Stages Iiia Iiib And Iiic

In order to better describe these variable factors, stage III melanoma is further divided into the following three categories:

  • Stage III A: This stage includes microscopic levels of melanoma present in lymph nodes.
  • Stage III B: This stage includes an ulcerated primary tumor, microscopic levels of melanoma in the skin near the primary tumor, microscopic levels of melanoma in lymph nodes, and melanoma in the draining nodes.
  • Stage III C: This stage includes an ulcerated primary tumor and melanoma big enough to be felt in the draining nodes.

I’ve Been Diagnosed With Melanomawhat Happens Next

Doctors use the TNM system developed by the American Joint Committee on Cancer to begin the staging process. Its a classification based on three key factors:

T stands for the extent of the original tumor, its thickness or how deep it has grown and whether it has ulcerated.

What Is Breslow depth?

Breslow depth is a measurement from the surface of the skin to the deepest component of the melanoma.

Tumor thickness: Known as Breslow thickness or Breslow depth, this is a significant factor in predicting how far a melanoma has advanced. In general, a thinner Breslow depth indicates a smaller chance that the tumor has spread and a better outlook for treatment success. The thicker the melanoma measures, the greater its chance of spreading.

Tumor ulceration: Ulceration is a breakdown of the skin on top of the melanoma. Melanomas with ulceration are more serious because they have a greater risk of spreading, so they are staged higher than tumors without ulceration.

N indicates whether or not the cancer has already spread to nearby lymph nodes. The N category also includes in-transit tumors that have spread beyond the primary tumor toward the local lymph nodes but have not yet reached the lymph nodes.

M represents spread or metastasis to distant lymph nodes or skin sites and organs such as the lungs or brain.

After TNM categories are identified, the overall stage number is assigned. A lower stage number means less progression of the disease.

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What Is Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of all cancers in the United States and is identified when the cells that make up our skin begin to grow and rapidly divide in a disorganized manner. There are 3 main types of skin cancer:

Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are the most common types of skin cancer and may also sometimes be referred to as “non-melanoma skin cancer.”

Melanoma is not as common as basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas, but is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. If left untreated or caught in a late stage, melanomas are more likely to spread to organs beyond the skin, making it difficult to treat and increasing the chances of death from skin cancer.

Fortunately, if skin cancer is identified and treated early, most are cured. This is why it is important to take a few safeguards and to talk with your healthcare provider if you think you are showing any signs of skin cancer.

What Are The First Stages Of Skin Cancer

Types of Skin Cancer

There are three different types of skin cancer that make up the majority of skin cancers. There are the nonmelanomatous types, which are squamous cell skin cancer and basal cell skin cancer, and then there is the more dangerous melanoma skin cancer. The first stages of skin cancer in all cases can be detected through changes in the appearance of the skin or an existing freckle or mole.

The most obvious first stages of skin cancer are any suspicious changes in the skin. Any change in a mole, for example it starts bleeding or itching, should be checked, as should the appearance of new moles or skin sores. Moles that have grown or whose edges have become less distinct are reasons to visit a dermatologist. Sores or ulcers that do not heal could also be skin cancer signs.

Basal cell carcinoma accounts for most skin cancer cases. It is the more slow moving of the three, and it rarely spreads via the bloodstream or lymph glands. The signs to look out for include an area of irritated skin, a pinkish or reddish scar or a raised, pearly nodule that will most commonly be found in parts of the body that are frequently exposed to the sun. Squamous cell skin cancer may appear as a skin ulcer or sore that is crusty or scaly and chronic in nature. This type of cancer can spread to other parts of the body, so early detection and removal is vital.

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What Are The Risk Factors For Skin Cancer

The most common risk factors for skin cancer are as follows.

  • Ultraviolet light exposure, either from the sun or from tanning beds. Fair-skinned individuals, with hazel or blue eyes, and people with blond or red hair are particularly vulnerable. The problem is worse in areas of high elevation or near the equator where sunlight exposure is more intense.
  • A chronically suppressed immune system from underlying diseases such as HIV/AIDS infection or cancer, or from some medications such as prednisone or chemotherapy
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation or chemicals known to predispose to cancer such as arsenic
  • Certain types of sexually acquired wart virus infections
  • People who have a history of one skin cancer have a 20% chance of developing second skin cancer in the next two years.
  • Elderly patients have more skin cancers.

Most basal cell carcinomas have few if any symptoms. Squamous cell carcinomas may be painful. Both forms of skin cancer may appear as a sore that bleeds, oozes, crusts, or otherwise will not heal. They begin as a slowly growing bump on the skin that may bleed after minor trauma. Both kinds of skin cancers may have raised edges and central ulceration.

Signs and symptoms of basal cell carcinomas include:

Signs and symptoms of squamous cell carcinomas include:

  • Persistent, scaly red patches with irregular borders that may bleed easily
  • Open sore that does not go away for weeks
  • A raised growth with a rough surface that is indented in the middle
  • A wart-like growth

Staging For Basal Cell And Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma usually do not spread to other parts of the body. On rare occasions, a persons lymph node may be removed to find out if the cancer has spread, which is called metastasis. Lymph nodes are bean-shaped organs that help fight infection. The doctor may recommend other tests to determine the extent of the disease, including blood tests, chest x-rays, and imaging scans of the lymph nodes and nerves, liver, bones, and brain, but this is uncommon.

Recommended Reading: What Stage Is Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

What Are The Survival Rates For Scc

The vast majority of SCC is cured. Only about 2 percent to 5 percent of SCC cases grow back or spread. Unfortunately, because cases of SCC are not reported to the U.S. cancer registry it is hard to estimate survival rates. It is clear that metastatic SCC is very difficult to treat. . In large groups of people studied who have distant metastatic SCC, about 70 percent died from their disease.14,15

Skin Cancer Is A Disease In Which Malignant Cells Form In The Tissues Of The Skin

Melanoma Symptoms, Stages &  Metastatic Melanoma Symptoms

The skin is the bodys largest organ. It protects against heat, sunlight, injury, and infection. Skin also helps control body temperature and stores water, fat, and vitamin D. The skin has several layers, but the two main layers are the epidermis and the dermis . Skin cancer begins in the epidermis, which is made up of three kinds of cells:

  • Squamous cells: Thin, flat cells that form the top layer of the epidermis.
  • Basal cells: Round cells under the squamous cells.
  • Melanocytes: Cells that make melanin and are found in the lower part of the epidermis. Melanin is the pigment that gives skin its natural color. When skin is exposed to the sun, melanocytes make more pigment and cause the skin to darken.

Skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, but it is most common in skin that is often exposed to sunlight, such as the face, neck, and hands.

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How Can You Manage Stage 3 Melanoma

Managing stage 3 melanoma can be challenging. With technological and medical advances, this diagnosis may not be as severe as it once was.

After your surgery or if youre unable to undergo surgery, you may need adjuvant treatment to prevent the cancer from coming back. There is adjuvant radiation therapy and adjuvant immunotherapy. These therapies help reduce the risk of melanoma returning, but they dont increase your survival rate.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Situ

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DermNet NZ

Squamous cell carcinoma in situ, also known as Bowens disease, is a precancerous condition that appears as a red or brownish patch or plaque on the skin that grows slowly over time. The patches are often found on the legs and lower parts of the body, as well as the head and neck. In rare cases, it has been found on the hands and feet, in the genital area, and in the area around the anus.

Bowens disease is uncommon: only 15 out of every 100,000 people will develop this condition every year. The condition typically affects the Caucasian population, but women are more likely to develop Bowens disease than men. The majority of cases are in adults over 60. As with other skin cancers, Bowens disease can develop after long-term exposure to the sun. It can also develop following radiotherapy treatment. Other causes include immune suppression, skin injury, inflammatory skin conditions, and a human papillomavirus infection.

Bowens disease is generally treatable and doesnt develop into squamous cell carcinoma. Up to 16% of cases develop into cancer.

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Melanoma In The Area Between The Primary Melanoma And The Nearby Lymph Nodes

You usually have surgery to remove satellite or in-transit metastases. If youre not able to have surgery you might have one of the following:

  • laser surgery using a carbon dioxide laser
  • injecting treatment directly into the melanoma , for example talimogene laherparepvec
  • chemotherapy combined with an electric current
  • chemotherapy directly into the leg or arm where the melanoma is
  • targeted cancer drugs

Other Factors That Can Affect Outlook And Treatment Options

Cancer: banana peels can help identify the stages of melanoma

The stage of a skin cancer can help give an idea of how serious the cancer is likely to be, including how likely it might be to return after treatment. But other factors are also important to consider. Some of these include:

  • The location of the tumor
  • How fast the tumor has been growing
  • How well-defined the borders of the tumor are
  • If the tumor has been causing symptoms, such as pain or itchiness
  • How the cancer cells look under a microscope
  • If the cancer cells have invaded small nerves or blood vessels in and around the tumor
  • If the cancer is in a place that was previously treated with radiation
  • If the person has a weakened immune system

Your doctor can explain if any of these factors might affect your treatment or outlook.

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Risk Factors For Skin Cancer

Everyone is at risk for developing skin cancer, but there are a few risk factors that significantly increase your chances, including:

  • Having lighter-colored skin
  • Living in sunny climates, especially closer to the equator
  • Excessive sun exposure over lifetime
  • A history of sunburns
  • Numerous moles

Youre also at increased risk for skin cancer if you have a family or personal history of skin cancer, havehad precancerous skin lesions in the past, or received radiation treatment for other skin conditions.

Can Melanoma Be Cured

Most melanomas can be treated and removed with surgery if they are caught early.2 Melanomas are removed with a procedure called wide excision. Excision means cut out. The surgeon removes the entire tumor, along with some of the healthy skin surrounding it, called the margin. The purpose of the margin is to remove any cancer cells that might have spread. This reduces the risk that the tumor comes back.2

Melanoma may come back in its original location or on a new part of the body. The risk of recurrence depends on many factors, including:3

  • What type of melanoma it is
  • Where it is located

Your doctor is the best person to advise you about the risk of recurrence based on your melanoma.

Even if one melanoma is removed, you have a higher risk of another melanoma. Follow-up examinations are very important to check for recurrence of the initial melanoma or development of a new melanoma. Ask your doctor how often and for how many years you should have follow-up exams.

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