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How I Cured My Melanoma Naturally

How Does The Immune System Fight Cancer


Your immune system consists of a complex process your body uses to fight illness. This process involves your cells, organs, and proteins. Cancer can commonly get around many of the immune systems natural defenses, allowing cancer cells to continue to grow.

Different types of immunotherapy work in different ways. Some immunotherapy treatments help the immune system stop or slow the growth of cancer cells. Others help the immune system destroy cancer cells or stop the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body. Immunotherapy treatments can be used alone or combined with other cancer treatments.

There are many types of immunotherapy. They include:

  • Monoclonal antibodies and tumor-agnostic treatments, such as checkpoint inhibitors

  • Oncolytic virus therapy

  • T-cell therapy

  • Cancer vaccines

The type of drug, dose, and treatment schedule will depend on many factors. These can include the type of cancer, size, location, and where it has spread. Your age, general health, body weight, and how well you can cope with side effects are also important. Talk to your health care team about why they recommend a specific immunotherapy plan.

Notes And Addenda By Healing Cancer Naturally

The above as stated is an old testimonial . Luckily I had found a copy in my archives so I could preserve the information for others to benefit from by publishing it here. I do not have any additional information regarding this person’s healing including the herbal cancer tonic he mentions and his contact or other data that might be helpful but are unfortunately unavailable to me.

If you are interested in herbal cancer treatment approaches you may wish to consult this site’s Herbs & Grasses section.

More malignant melanoma cure testimonials

Concise or detailed melanoma cure reports can be found in

Last but not least, on August 12, 2008 published the report of a man who had “erased” what appeared to be melanoma skin cancer via topical application of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide more than twenty years earlier:

After heavy sun exposure, several dark and itchy mole-like formations had appeared on his forearms. His doctor thought them to be melanomas and advised consulting a specialist.

Convinced that hydrogen peroxide would help against them, the man took action: after very gently abrading the surface of the dark bumps with the help of a nail file, he dabbed on straight 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide with a cotton swab until the dark spots turned white.

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How Serious Is My Cancer

If you have melanoma, the doctor will want to find out how far it has spread. This is called staging. Your doctor will want to find out the stage of your cancer to help decide what type of treatment is best for you.

The stage describes the growth or spread of the melanoma through the skin. It also tells if it has spread to other parts of your body.

Your cancer can be stage 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. The lower the number, the less the cancer has spread. A higher number, like stage 4, means a more serious cancer that has spread beyond the skin. Be sure to ask the doctor about the cancer stage and what it means for you.

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Precautions To Be Taken Before Using Natural Home Remedies:

Yes, they are several precautions that need to taken by you before you use the below-suggested techniques. It is strictly advised that you first get your lesion/sore checked out by a dermatologist. Firstly, you may not know what kind of lesion you are self-treating. Trying to identify this lesion by yourself and categorizing could be a gargantuan task!

They are several symptoms and signs of the lesion belonging to one of the above-stated types of cancer, however, skin cancer lesions can present unusual features which baffle dermatologists.Using their tools like a magnifying glass and handheld imaging devices they are still sometimes not so sure. The only medical method to identify skin cancer is to send the tissue from the site to a biopsy.

Secondly, you might waste your precious time figuring out what kind of skin cancer youve got, the disease might gain the upper hand here. Delaying any treatment, i.e. conventional or traditional will only lead to you worsening the condition. Of the three significant cancers, melanoma spreads on a rapid rate. If you dont have any time to identify what kind of cancer youve got. It is very strongly recommended that you visit your dermatologist when you develop these symptoms.

Melanoma Can Be Colorless

How I cured my skin cancer NATURALLY

While its true that many melanomas are dark brown to black in color, some melanomas have no color and appear as pink spots or bumps. Beware of isolated pink spots, especially if the spot looks different than the other marks on the skin, says Dr. Marghoob. Pay attention to any spot or mark that has an uneven texture, shape, border, or distribution of colors. In addition, any spot that has changed in some way should prompt a visit to your local doctor.

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Hemp Oil For Skin Cancer

Rick Simpsons hemp oil may be one of the most effective solutions for skin cancer. Of course, unless you live in a state that allows medical marijuana and is not so restrictive with that process, your chances of getting that oil are slim. But it is attainable.

Then there are escharotic salves, which can be a bit dicey because they are caustic, but they are effective. One of the components, blood root, was part of Harry Hoxseys topical skin cancer escharotic solutions that demonstrated efficacy for even melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer thats able to metastasize into internal organs. Something to look into.

What Are The Treatment Options For Skin Cancer

Most skin cancers are detected and cured before they spread. Melanoma that has spread to other organs presents the greatest treatment challenge.

Standard treatments for localized basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas are safe and effective. Small tumors can be surgically excised, removed with a scraping tool and then cauterized, frozen with liquid nitrogen, or killed with low-dose radiation. Applying an ointment containing a chemotherapeutic agent called 5-fluorouracil — or an immune response modifier called imiquimod — to a superficial tumor for several weeks may also work. Larger localized tumors are removed surgically.

In rare cases where basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma has begun to spread beyond the skin, tumors are removed surgically and patients are treated with chemotherapy and radiation. Sometimes disfiguring or metastatic basal cell skin cancers that are not able to be treated by surgery or radiation are treated orally with sonidegib or vismodegib .

There are also drugs that target specific gene changes within normal cells that cause them to become cancerous. Often called targeted therapy, these drugs include dabrafenib , trametinib , and vemurafenib .

People who have had skin cancer once are at risk for getting it again. Anyone who has been treated for skin cancer of any kind should have a checkup at least once a year. About 20% of skin cancer patients experience recurrence, usually within the first two years after diagnosis.

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Alternative And Complementary Therapies For Skin Cancer

Once skin cancer is diagnosed, the only acceptable treatment is medical care. Alternative approaches may be useful in cancer prevention and in combating nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and headaches from chemotherapy, radiation, or immunotherapy used to treat advanced skin cancer. Be sure to discuss any alternative treatments you are considering using with your cancer doctor.

How To Treat Skin Cancer

I Beat Cancer with Vitamin B17, Update

Medically reviewed by

Last Updated: July 8, 2021References

This article was medically reviewed by . Dr. Litza is a board certified Family Medicine Physician in Wisconsin. She is a practicing Physician and taught as a Clinical Professor for 13 years, after receiving her MD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health in 1998.There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 34,877 times.

Skin cancer is best defined as the abnormal growth of skin cells, often due to too much sun exposure, but there are other factors to consider also.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source There are three main types of skin cancer, which are named based on which layer of skin is affected: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Melanoma is the rarest form, but also the most deadly type because it’s most likely to spread to other parts of the body. Checking your skin for unusual changes on a regular basis can help detect cancer in its early stages, which gives you the best chance of successful treatment.

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Natural Products Can Cause Side Effects During Skin Cancer Treatment

Black salve isnt the only natural treatment that concerns dermatologists. Vitamins, herbal remedies, and other all-natural products can interact with cancer treatment. Vitamin A, vitamin C, and St. Johns wort are especially worrisome. If a patient takes one of these while on chemotherapy or receiving radiation treatments, serious side effects can occur.

In Germany, many people take mistletoe to strengthen their immune system. If you have melanoma, your doctor will advise you to avoid it. German studies have found that mistletoe may cause melanoma to spread more quickly.

Dermatologists also worry when patients take vitamins and other supplements during clinical trials. Patients agree to take only the medicine being studied. Surveys, however, indicate that patients often supplement with natural products. They use these products to help strengthen their body during cancer treatment.

This is understandable. The problem is that vitamins, herbs, and other natural products can interact with cancer treatments. In a clinical trial, there is no way to know whether the drug or the interaction between the drug and an all-natural product caused a serious side effect. This could prevent potentially helpful treatments from becoming approved.

Maybe You Can Make Your Own

This is an attempt at disclosing what others report treated their skin cancers. Its purely educational and not meant as medical advice.

The homemade remedy involves a solution of vinegar and eggplant that extracts the same phyotonutrient glycocides and glycoalkaloids contained in BEC5 directly from the eggplant. The glycoalkaloids penetrate cancer cells selectively and destroy them. Normal cells are left alone.

Read: Aloe Vera may Prevent, Stop Progression of Skin Cancer

Some have used white vinegar, while others recommend raw organic apple cider vinegar. Get a medium sized eggplant and grind it up. Put that into a glass jar and fill it up with the vinegar. Place the jar into the refrigerator.

After around three days with the white vinegar, the liquid should turn to a brownish gold color, indicating its ready to use. Apple cider vinegar is already a similar color, but three days seasoning in a refrigerator should be enough.

Apply it directly to tumors often with a cotton ball, or secure the soaked cotton onto the tumor with tape. Treatment may take a couple of weeks or more. Both commercial Curaderm BEC5 cream and the homemade version also work on warts and other unhealthy skin conditions.

One home made user mentioned that according to his doctor, if the homemade procedure is painful, then it is melanoma thats under attack. Many of these homemade remedy users were in Australia, home of the Devils Apple skin cancer solution.

Additional Sources:

Also Check: Is Basal Cell Carcinoma Considered Cancer

How Do You Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Dosing recommendations vary, but most people take up to 1 to 2 tablespoons by mouth a day. Youll want to add about a cup of water to dilute it.

Apple cider vinegar also comes in capsules, tablets, and gummies, which may be easier for some people to take.

If youre applying apple cider vinegar to your skin, be careful not to leave it on too long. Make sure you dilute the vinegar in water and test it over a small patch of skin first. Also, rinse the area well after use. Recommendations on how much to use and how long to leave it on vary. Its a good idea to talk to your doctor before putting it on your skin.

Natural Remedies For Skin Cancer


Medically Reviewed by: Dr. BautistaUpdated on: March 10, 2020

Skin cancer is amongst the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the United States. Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of basal cell carcinoma, actinic keratoses, sebaceous carcinoma, and many other types of skin cancer.And even if youve worn your wide-brimmed hat, applied your sunscreen, and stayed in the shade theres still a chance that skin cancer might affect you at some point in your life. Regularly checking your body for any abnormalities on the skin is beneficial for identifying skin cancer.

Aside from protecting your skin from sun damage, there are also other natural skin remedies that may be able to help prevent cancer in the first place. Luckily, there are natural remedies for skin cancer, like diet, that you can start incorporating into your day-to-day routine today. For those looking for less conventional treatment, lets take a closer look at how to treat skin cancer naturally and see which skin cancer natural treatment methods may be a fit for you or your loved ones. At Immunity Therapy Center, were advocates for holistic treatments and we love spreading the knowledge to keep you happy, healthy, and informed. Read below to learn how to treat skin cancer naturally.

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Risk Of Further Melanomas

Most people treated for early melanoma do not have further trouble with the disease. However, when there is a chance that the melanoma may have spread to other parts of your body, you will need regular check-ups. Your doctor will decide how often you will need check-ups everyone is different. They will become less frequent if you have no further problems. After treatment for melanoma it is important to limit exposure to the sun’s UV radiation. As biological family members usually share similar traits, your family members may also have an increased risk of developing melanoma and other skin cancers. They can reduce their risk by spending less time in the sun and using a combination of sun protection measures during sun protection times. It is important to monitor your skin regularly and if you notice any changes in your skin, or enlarged lymph glands near to where you had the cancer, see your specialist as soon as possible.

Home Remedies For Skin Cancer Treatment

How to use home remedies for skin cancer treatment naturally? Skin cancers are brought about because of the advancement of anomalous cells, which attack or spread to different parts of the body. On the off chance that cancer is discovered at an early stage, it can be cured with characteristic option treatments.

Regular treatments work effectively to cure certain sorts of skin cancers, primarily Basal Cell Carcinomas . This makes up just about 75% of all skin cancer cases. Other skin cancers like dangerous melanomas and squamous cell carcinomas are confounded, which require top of the line treatments. Presently let us know the straightforward home remedies that function admirably to fight out the skin cancers.

Here are the 12 home remedies for skin cancer, which you can use to treat skin cancer:

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What Home Remedies For Skin Cancer Can I Try

Here are a few ideas for taking charge of your skin health:

    Prevention is better than a cure. Ultraviolet light exposure is the most important risk factor for skin cancer. There are many things that you can do for yourself and your family to reduce UV exposure, including:

    • Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with sun protection factor 15 or higher.
    • Seek shade between 10 am and 2 pm.
    • Wear long sleeves, long pants, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses.
    • Avoid indoor tanning beds.
  • Talk to your doctor.If you see a suspicious lesion, it is critically important to get an accurate diagnosis from your doctor. It may turn out not to be skin cancer at all. If it is skin cancer, discuss the treatment options with your doctor. Explain your concerns about scars or side effects. There may be several ways to treat the cancer. You may be able to find a treatment that meets your financial needs and cosmetic preferences with acceptable side effects.

Exercises To Find More Energy

Fight cancer naturally

Exercise has been shown again and again to help with cancer-related fatigue, says Allison Betof Warner, M.D., Ph.D., a medical oncologist specializing in melanoma at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. We know it also helps with quality of life, anxiety, and depression. One small study specific to melanoma in Integrated Cancer Therapies showed those receiving immunotherapy reported less fatigue when incorporating exercise . How much is enough? The American College of Sports Medicine suggests cancer patients get 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise.

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Laser Surgery Is Not Fda

Laser surgery is not currently used as a standard treatment for basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma. It can, however, be an effective secondary treatment. Laser treatment is sometimes used after Mohs surgery to complete the removal of cancer cells. Lasers are effective at removing precancerous lesions, but have not been proven effective at treating cancer yet.

Recurrence In Other Parts Of The Body

Melanoma can also come back in distant parts of the body. Almost any organ can be affected. Most often, the melanoma will come back in the lungs, bones, liver, or brain. Treatment for these recurrences is generally the same as for stage IV melanoma . Melanomas that recur on an arm or leg may be treated with isolated limb perfusion/infusion chemotherapy.

Melanoma that comes back in the brain can be hard to treat. Single tumors can sometimes be removed by surgery. Radiation therapy to the brain may help as well. Systemic treatments might also be tried.

As with other stages of melanoma, people with recurrent melanoma may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial.

The treatment information given here is not official policy of the American Cancer Society and is not intended as medical advice to replace the expertise and judgment of your cancer care team. It is intended to help you and your family make informed decisions, together with your doctor. Your doctor may have reasons for suggesting a treatment plan different from these general treatment options. Don’t hesitate to ask him or her questions about your treatment options.

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