What Are The Possible Complications Of Itp
The most dangerous complication of ITP is bleeding, especially bleeding into the brain, which can be fatal. But serious bleeding is rare.
In fact, some of the treatments for ITP can have more risks than the disease itself. For example, the long-term use of corticosteroids can cause serious side effects, including:
- a loss of muscle mass
- an increased risk of infection
What Kind Of Doctor Should I See For Purpura
For solar purpura, you can discuss symptoms with your healthcare provider. They can determine if treatment is needed, or if you’re taking a medicine such as Coumadin that should be changed. They also may provide a referral to a dermatologist or other specialist. If there’s a more serious cause of purpura, like lupus or a blood cancer, it requires different care.
Causes Of Purple Spots On Skin
Your skin can develop purple spots due to various causes. The causes of purpura spots on your skin are classified into two major categories depending on the level of blood platelet in your body. They include nonthrombocytopenic and thrombocytopenic.
Nonthrombocytopenic causes are those that lead to purples spots on your skin with a normal level of platelet count in your body. Thrombocytopenic causes are related to low count of blood platelet in the body.
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Other Types Of Purpura
Other types of purpura don’t fit into the thrombocytopenic or nonthrombocytopenic categories. They’re usually quite serious and require immediate treatment.
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation :The purpura of DIC isn’t from poor clotting but from too much of it. It makes proteins that control blood clotting overactive.
- Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: Heparin is a drug used to prevent blood clots . A severe reaction to it causes widespread blood clotting throughout the body.
- Warfarin-induced skin necrosis:In rare cases, the anticoagulant drug warfarin can lead to the premature death of skin cells. Purpura is usually one of the first signs.
Skin Rashes And Purple Spots: Symptoms Of The Coronavirus
Fever, tiredness, dry cough and shortness of breath are common symptoms of the new coronavirus called COVID-19, but not everyone who develops the disease has the same symptoms. Some people may get a runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea or lose their sense of smell. Doctors are also seeing skin rashes on the body and purple spots on the feet, toes and the hands in some patients diagnosed with coronavirus. In some cases, the coronavirus skin rash or spots may be the first or even the only symptom of COVID-19.
There have been an increasing number of reports of skin rashes and other skin manifestations, and this is something were watching very closely, said Ted Schiff, MD, founder and chief medical officer of Waters Edge Dermatology.
Virus-induced rashes, like the coronavirus skin rash, are not uncommon. They can happen as a result of the immune systems attempt to fight the invader. With COVID-19, doctors in several countries have reported seeing various types of skin changes, including:
Exanthems, especially on the torso:widespread, patchy red rashes | |
Photo credit: Nantsupawat T et al via Wikimedia Commons | |
Foot and toe lesions:purple spots , similar to chilblains , that may be painful | Acute Acro IschemiaPhoto credit: International Federation of Podiatrists |
If the doctor suspects COVID-19, he or she will recommend self-quarantine for 14 days and can help you determine if testing is needed and available.
Medical Review By: Ted Schiff, MD
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Aging Skin And The Aging Population
Skin aging is a complex process associated with cumulative DNA damage1 due to intrinsic factors, such as the action of reactive oxygen species,2 and exogenous factors including exposure to ultraviolet light.3 The skin becomes thinner and less elastic ,4 and the barrier function of the skin decreases due to depletion of lipids in the stratum corneum.5 This fragility syndrome has been termed dermatoporosis.6 Changes in normal skin physiology include increased susceptibility to infection, diminished superficial pain perception, and decreased immune and inflammatory responses.7
In addition, the incidence of skin disorders increases with age.8,9 Among patients 65 years of age or older in one study , all had one or more dermatologic conditions. These included solar lentigines, senile angiomas, xerosis, seborrheic keratoses, varicose veins, and pruritus.10 Patients 75 years of age or older were more likely to suffer from solar lentigines, clavi, solar keratoses, and onychomycosis.10 Unfortunately, the overall incidence of skin disorders is likely to increase as the world population continues to age. In the United States, it is estimated that the number of people 65 and older will double from 41 million in the year 2010 to 86 million by the year 2050.11 Consequently, there will be a substantial increase in age-related dermatologic diseases and conditions in the future.
How Is Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Diagnosed
Your healthcare provider will perform a physical examination and ask about your symptoms and health history. If your provider suspects TTP, they will order diagnostic tests.
Which tests can confirm a diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura ?
Diagnostic tests used to confirm thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura may include:
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How To Get Rid Of Purple Spots On Skin
If purple spots on your skin are becoming bothersome, no need to worry. You can get rid of purpura spots on your skin using either home remedies or medical treatment. Natural home remedies are effective treatment method when your skin has tiny, few and mild purple spots that are not caused by more serious health condition.
Alternatively, you can go for medical treatment by visiting your doctor. The medical treatment method is the best option for the case of chronic purple spots that are caused by a more serious health condition such as viral infection and autoimmune disorders.
What Causes Actinic Purpura
The most common factor that most directly affects the development of actinic purpura is thin, easily damaged skin. Sun damage over a long period of time can also play a role in developing actinic purpura, as this can weaken our connective tissues over time.
Vascular diseases or medications that affect the blood vessels can also contribute to the development of actinic purpura. Diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus may also increase the likelihood of developing the lesions.
Certain drugs, including corticosteroids and aspirin, may exacerbate the lesions.
In most cases, actinic purpura develops from minor trauma, even though it looks like the person sustained a serious injury.
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What Are Black Spots On Skin
Generally, black spots on the skin can be divided into a few categories.
Other Causes Of Purple Skin
An inpatient dermatology consult has been assessing skin findings in covid-19 patients since the start of the pandemic. It is understood that are a variety of rashes occurring among hospitalized covid-19 patients. the main finding we have noted is a pattern of lacy, red-purple rashes, some with skin necrosis, on the arms, legs, and buttocks in critically-ill covid-19 patients, the expert has said. Doctors have seen through skin biopsies that the skin problems in more severe covid-19 patients are brought on by clotting in the small blood vessels in the skin. Often, those patients also have blood clots in their legs or lungs or have had strokes, indicating clotting problems throughout their bodies.
Blood spots under the skin may be either purpura or petechiae. Purpura might look like bruises, but they are not caused by an injury as most regular bruises are. Petechiae dont look like bruises. They are tiny, flat, red or purple spots in the skin, but they are different than the tiny, flat, red spots or birthmarks that are present all the time. Sudden unexplained bruising or blood spots under the skin or a sudden increase in the frequency of bruising may be caused by:.
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Senile Purpura Symptoms That May Occur Along With Purple Skin
Found in the elderly people who suffer from recurrent bleeding only in the skin and more in the exposed parts. It is not associated with any exogenous history. Symptoms of senile purpura include the following symptoms:
- spots and patches purple in colour generally found in the skin of the neck, back of the hands and the extensor surfaces of upper limbs
- the patches may leave a yellow or brown stain or occur as a chronic relapsing condition
- patches occur without trauma or injury
- purple or red purpuric and ecchymotic patches.
Bruises, blood spots, lung disorders, heart disorders, lack of oxygen are some of the possible reasons behind purple spots on the skin.
If certain areas of your skin have become purple or you see some purple spots developing on your skin, important advice to you is not take it lightly and immediately consult a doctor. This is especially true if they are accompanied by symptoms, such as difficulty in breathing, pain in the chest, change of colour of the nails and the lips to blue and increase in the heart rate. All these symptoms indicate that there could be an underlying serious problem behind your skin turning purple. However, this is not the only reason why purple spots occur on the skin. Sometimes, even a small injury can cause these to develop.
How Is Actinic Purpura Diagnosed
If youre experiencing a sudden increase in large bruises on your body, make an appointment with your doctor.
Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history and do a physical assessment. If they see that your ecchymoses or lesions are painless and restricted to the hands and forearms with no other abnormal bleeding, theyll likely diagnose you with actinic purpura.
In most cases, there is no treatment required for actinic purpura. However, some people dislike the appearance of the bruises and seek treatment.
Your doctor can prescribe topical retinoids that thicken your skin to prevent further skin aging. This then reduces the risk for actinic purpura. However, retinoids have many side effects that may outweigh any potential benefits.
Protecting your limbs by wearing shin guards can also help prevent minor trauma that causes bruising.
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When To See Your Doctor
A bruise that pops up from time to time or after you’ve injured yourself is no reason to worry. But see a doctor if you have:
- Several bruises with no obvious cause
- A bruise that doesn’t go away in a week or two
- A possible injury like a broken bone that caused the bruise
- Bleeding that doesn’t stop after a few minutes
- Signs of too much blood loss, such as weakness, dizziness, nausea, or extreme thirst
Also call your doctor if you recently had surgery or gave birth and you notice bruises or bleeding.
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Melanoma Vs Normal Mole How To Tell If A Mole Is Something To Worry About
How can you know if an existing black mole or a new dark mole is something to worry about? Researchers from the National Cancer Institute use the ABCDE system to help check for signs that a mole could be cancerous. ABCDE stands for:6
- Asymmetrical. Black spots on the skin that are melanoma have two differently shaped halves that are irregular.
- Border. Black spots, moles, or large freckles that have an irregular border or blurred outline.
- Color. An uneven color is noticeable in the dark skin growth. There may be shades of black, brown, or light brown as well as other colors.
- Diameter. Most melanomas are larger than 1/4 inch . However, its good to remember that normal moles can also be large.
- Evolving. The mole is changing in size or other changes are noticed.
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Purple Spots On Skin Patches Lines Tiny Light Purpura Pictures Causes Treatment & Home Remedies
Purple spots on skin can range in size and shape. They might appear as lines, small or tiny dots, or large patches. They may occur as a result of different health conditions, but especially a skin condition known as purpura. The spots can develope on various parts of the body, particularly on face, chest, back, arms and legs. Explore facts, pictures, causes, signs, and symptoms of purple spots on skin. Also, learn how to get rid of them with medical treatments and home remedies.
Should You Worry About Unexplained Bruises
Most bruises are harmless. But do call your doctor if your bruise:
- Doesnt get better in a week or two.
- Appears after you start a new medication.
- Is on your torso, back, or face, where bumps and injury are uncommon.
- Keeps coming back in the same place.
- Is unusually large.
Of course, you should be mindful of frequent bruises on children or older adults. Such bruising could be a sign of physical abuse.
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Melanoma Vs Liver Spots How To Tell The Difference
Melanoma can also appear as patches of darkened skin that look like liver spots . Doctors from the Mayo Clinic say that true age spots are harmless.3 However, having many age spots could put you at greater risk of skin cancer.1
You can tell the difference between age spots and melanoma by observing if the darkened patch of skin changes. Use the ABCDE system to tell the difference between melanoma and liver spots on your skin. Liver spots that become darker or change in appearance should be checked by a doctor.
Heart Disease: 12 Warning Signs That Appear On Your Skin
Warning signs can appear on your skin and nails, which is why your dermatologist may be the first doctor to notice that you have heart disease. If you know what to look for, you can also find warning signs of heart disease on your skin and nails. The following pictures show you what to look for.
Swelling in your feet and lower legsWhat it may be telling you: Your heart isnt working properly.Many diseases of the heart cause fluid to build up in your feet and lower legs. As the fluid builds up, you may see swelling, which can extend as far as the upper legs and groin.Medical name: Edema
Blue or purple color on your skinWhat it may be telling you: You have a blockage in a blood vessel.When youre extremely cold, your skin can turn blue . If an area of your skin is blue when youre warm, thats can be a sign your blood isnt getting enough oxygen. The patient in this photo has a condition known as blue toe syndrome, which happens when one or more blood vessels are blocked.Without treatment, the lack of oxygen can cause the skin and underlying tissue to eventually die.Medical name: Cyanosis
Nails curve downward and the ends of your fingers are swollenWhat it may be telling you: You may have a heart infection, heart disease, or lung problem.For many people, these signs are harmless. That said, if your fingers and nails look like this, its best to find out if you may have a medical condition, such as lung disease or a heart problem.Medical name: Clubbing
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What Are Potential Complications Of Purple Skin
Acral lentiginous melanoma is a rare type of skin cancer that is easy to overlook as it looks like a bruise under a finger or toenail. The discolouration may be black, brown, or purple. If you develop a discolouration under a nail, its best to have it checked out by a doctor. The famous reggae musician, Bob Marley, passed away in 1981 from complications of ALM melanoma which originated under a toenail.
The paper is far from the first to note the coronavirus may cause complications in the skin, with patients reporting covid toes, or purple, swollen toes that look like they have been frostbitten, early on. In a Facebook group for coronavirus patients and survivors, people have reported fluid-filled blisters, full-body rashes, hives, red and purple spots, patches of skin that burn, chicken-pox like bumps, and more. In some of these cases, the skin changes may be due to blood clotting in the skins small blood vessels.
Signs And Symptoms Of Yellow Spots On Skin
Purple or red-colored spots on your skin are called purpura. These spots usually appear due to sub-dermal bleeding or skin hemorrhages. They can appear on the skin of body organs such as eyes, nose, mouth cavity, arms, legs or any other parts of your body.
Purpura on your skin can show up as flat spots, patches or raised bumps that range in size from pinpoint sized to largely visible marks. Raised purple spots are usually blood-filled blisters that can develop on the surface of the skin.
If your skin develops purple or red blotches that are not accompanied by other strange symptoms, this could be a benign condition that you should not worry about it. However, purpura spots could also be an indication of more serious health problem such as chronic blood clotting disorder.
Basically, purple spots on your skin can show up in various sign and symptoms. These spots or patches are usually characterized by the following:
- Small or large raised purple spots on skin surface
- Flat purple patches on skin that are irregular shaped
- Clots of blood beneath the skin surface
- Blood-filled blister or bumps on skin surface
- Itchy purple blotches on the skin
- Not itchy purple dot or spots under skin surface
- Purple bruises, cuts or wounds on skin
- Few or numerous purple or red marks on the skin
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