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All Natural Skin Care Routine

Antibacterial And Healing Honey Mask


Try this face mask with honey! Mix 1/4 cup of honey with a bit of warm water to make it spreadable. Then pour 1/4 cup of extra-virgin olive oil into your honey. Brush it onto your face with a clean makeup brush and let it sit for 10 minutes before you wipe it away with a washcloth.

Honey has antibacterial properties while olive oil works to heal your skin.

Benefits Of Natural Skin Care

Having a diet with adequate water, good fats, vitamins C, D & A, and nutrients is essential to help your skin maintain its function. We also want to be mindful of what we apply to our skin.

Moving to natural skincare gives awareness of harmful ingredients. Used for various reasons: cost benefits, increasing shelf-life, ease of sourcing, or making products feel more appealing.

Night Routine For Oily Skin

The wind-down routine to cleanse your skin and nourish it with what it requires.

1. Cleanser

Get cleansing to wash away the days pollutants and any build-up with the same cleanser as you used in the AM.

2. Clay Mask

Once a week, give yourself a little me-time and your skin will certainly thank you. Our clay mask is a powerful deep-skin cleanser and exfoliator combined thatll leave you with enviable results and a tingling-clean sensation that you can physically feel. Buy it here and the accompanying carrier oil here.

3. Facial Oil

A common misnomer is that you should stay away from things like facial oils if your skin type is oily, but this is not the case depriving your skin of the moisture that it needs could actually make your sebum-producing glands over-compensate, leading to skin that is oilier than before.

Combat this by applying our specially-formulated, lightweight facial oil with added tea tree oil to fight bacteria and skin irritation.

Buy it here.

4. Serum

Finally, before lights-out, its time to apply our face serum that is specially formulated for oily skin, to help clarify, nourish and detoxify skin.

Adding moisture to your skin is vital, no matter what your skin type.

Chapter 4

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How To Build A Skincare Routine For Your Skin Type

There are several skin care products in the market and it may get confusing to find one that suits your goals or properly merges into your natural skincare routine.

The first step to building an effective skincare routine is determining your skin type, which will be a deciding factor in every part of the regimen. Depending on skin types, goals skincare goals vary.

People with dry skin would be focused on keeping moisturized and more oily skin, while those with very oily skin may want to tone down the oil on their skin. Also, some people have acne-prone skin that makes them sensitive to certain agents and environments. Whichever the case, you need to determine your skin type before setting a skincare goal and then going ahead to build an all natural skincare routine.

The second step is checking the sensitivity of your skin to harsh ingredients. Your aim is to make your skin look better and not the other way around. Therefore, before you commence with a routine, look out to confirm how your skin reacts to the ingredients being used.

Sometimes, when administering external skin care in your daily natural skincare routine, you may be very concerned about specific spots or areas of your skin, the areas that require fixing. The third step to take is to make sure that these areas are treatable. Treatability may vary depending on the skin region and maternity status.

This procedure includes:

Other Options For Oily/acne Skin

My All Natural Nighttime Skin Care Routine

Everyones skin is unique, and some things that work for my skin may not work as well for yours. Here are some options you can use to customize this skin care routine to better fit you:

  • Try rosehip oil or tamanu oil in place of the hemp seed oil and/or jojoba oil.
  • Use rosemary or peppermint oil in place of the lavender oil. I use lavender essential oil in both my hemp seed oil cleanser and jojoba oil moisturizer.

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Supplements For Skin Care

Im firmly convinced that what you put in your body is just as important than what you put on it when it comes to skin health. A natural skincare routine should include a healthy diet. I used to have terrible acne. Since changing my diet and supplements, I dont break out at all and my past scars have healed. The supplements that seemed to have made the biggest difference in skin health for me are:

  • Fish Oil for vitamins A, D, and K, omega-3s, and antioxidants, all of which are great for the skin
  • Gelatin a pre-cursor for collagen, gelatin has made my hair, skin, and nails noticeably stronger and smoother
  • Magnesium an anti-inflammatory and lacking in many peoples diets. Topical magnesium oil seems to be the most effective for skin health.

Best Shower Routine And Products To Prevent Skin Damages In Winter

Lazy winter mornings and excellent weather are two great combinations. However, bathing every day is essential to ensure you are fresh and ready to get set with the mundane chores. Although bathing has several health benefits, it may cause excessive skin damage during winter. Hence, knowing what is best for your skin during winter to glow with radiant skin is essential.

This article discusses important shower routines to follow in winter and essential products to prevent skin damage during the cold, chilly season.

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Exfoliate Once A Week

Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin using a granular substance. Exfoliation aids in removing bacteria, unclogging pores, and maintaining the skins balance.

Exfoliation is helpful for oily skin because it removes all the junk trapped on the surface of your skin, such as dead skin cells, toxins, and dirt.

Exfoliating once a week is an excellent way to smooth your skin texture, improve absorption rate, and brighten your complexion. Use the following as your natural exfoliant:

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Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

All Natural Skin Care Routine – All Under $20!

1 part raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar2 parts distilled water1-2 capsules vitamin Eessential oils

Combine the ingredients in a small, lidded container. Shake to evenly combine, and shake again before use. You can either store this in a spray bottle and mist your face after washing or, as I prefer, store it in a squeeze bottle and apply it to your face with cotton pads or cotton balls.

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Natural Skin Care Routine For Combination Skin

If you have combination skin, you may feel like your face is unpredictable! Dry, oily both? Here are some tips for successfully dealing with combination skin:

  • Stick to your natural skin care routine. Utilizing all the proper products will help keep moisture where it needs to be and balance your natural oils.
  • Make sure youre using a natural, alcohol-free toner. A natural option will keep your skin from drying out while staying toned.
  • Consider using one of the natural exfoliants described above to remove dead skin and keep your skin refreshed and smooth.

Natural Foods For Healthy Skin

Although the skin is externally positioned, it draws its nutrients from within the body and as such the body must be properly fed with the right nutrients. The fact that the skin is constantly exposed to UV rays, pollutions, and various attacks wears it down and the epidermis must renew itself every month.

For these frequent renewals to occur with minimal abnormalities, the skin needs the right nutrition and diet to produce the materials required to build a physiologically functional skin. Some of the primary nutrients needed include proteins, which are the known bodybuilders to help build basic skin proteins like keratin, creatinine, and many others that make up the healthy skin.

Among these basic proteins, glutathione has been reported to show a significantly positive effect on skin health focusing on the color. Nevertheless, glutathiones impact when ingested orally is not as evident as can be purported because of its low absorption rate by the body.

Among proteins used as a part of a daily natural skincare routine, collagen supplements are crucial. From recent studies, the intake of protein collagen is reported to improve skin hydration as it serves as connective tissue to the body connecting the transmission of water and other nutrients.

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My New All Natural Skincare Routine

This change has been in the works for several months. Like many other things, swapping out every product you use can be pricy and overwhelming. Many of the products Im using came from Young Living, so I was luckily able to try them with my rewards points. The rest are pretty affordable, or DIYs, so it was a nice balance.

Tea Leaves Face Toner

Learn Step By Steps Of Skincare Routine For Every Type Of skin ...

This toner isnt only natural but also helps fight acne.


  • 1 tsp. peppermint tea leaves
  • 4 tsp. white tea leaves
  • 1/2 cup boiled distilled water
  • 2 drops of lavender oil


  • Combine all ingredients in a French press.
  • Let the mixture steep for 10 minutes.
  • Pour into a glass container to cool.
  • Combine mixture with aloe vera until it fills a 4-oz. spray bottle.
  • Spritz on your face after cleansing, and store in the refrigerator.

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How To Build A Natural Skincare Routine For Your Skin Type

For anyone who is wanting to feel comfortable in their skin, paying attention to skin care is not unusual. Healthy skin is not heaven-sent and must be nurtured and cared for properly.

This goes beyond how fresh the skin looks. Using some of the best natural skincare routines can undoubtedly help you build healthier skin that you would be proud of.

Your skin, being the apparent part of your body, tells a lot about you. It has a lot to say about your hygiene, attention to detail, self-esteem, socioeconomic status and many other factors that greatly influence how you are perceived and treated by the people around you.

To ensure that these factors are not working against you based on the message that your skin is sending out, it is advisable to adopt a natural skincare routine.


Tip #: Curate Your Routine With Ingredients Suited To Your Skin Type & Concerns

When constructing a natural skincare routine, both celebrity facialist Sonya Dakar and Herrmann stress that it’s more about paying attention to ingredients and manufacturing versus the term “natural.”

“It’s more about the ingredient itself,” Dakar tells me. “Arsenic is natural and NOT healthy. There are just as many side effects from natural ingredients as there could be in non-clean ingredients. It depends on the manufacturer, and skin type, and the individual using it.”

“Certainly, there are both plant-based and synthetic products that are healthy for the skin, and products in both camps that have no place anywhere near the skin,” agrees Herrmann. “Lead and other heavy metals, asbestos, and certain chemicals that can interfere with hormones that have been found in commercial cosmetics shouldnât be in any cosmetic or prescribed product, period. But natural, plant-based products can cause contact allergies and irritation as well as direct skin DNA damage. Plant oils, for instance, can cause rashes and plant fragrances like bergamot contain psoralens that directly damage DNA chromosomes, which can cause intense sunburns and over time potentially even skin cancer. In general, both natural and synthetic skincare can be effective. Itâs much more about individual ingredients and products than blindly adhering to a camp.”

For anti-aging, Dakar says CBD is her new obsession along with Kahan oil as it’s a delicate alternative to retinol and will not irritate the skin.

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Morning Routine For Oily Skin

In the morning you should start your day with this 4-step routine:

1. Cleansing

Start with our sweet orange and grapefruit cleanser to lift impurities and stimulate your senses to get your mind and skin geared for the day. This cleanser also has Rose Geranium Oil and Roman Chamomile Oil to balance and soothe. Buy it here.

2. Toning

Next, use our toner to lift excess oil without drying, leaving balanced, refreshed skin, with inflammation reduced. Buy it here.

3. Moisturizing

Our moisturizer contains sebum-balancing Ylang-Ylang Oil to ensure that your complexion remains balanced throughout the day. Buy it here.

4. SPF

Apply an oil-free, water-based SPF o your skin, paying particular attention to your forehead, nose bridge and tops of your cheekbones .

Natural Skin Care Routine For Sensitive Skin

Simple Morning Skincare Routine âï¸? All Natural Skin Care Products

When you have sensitive skin, it needs extra TLC. Here are some tricks for creating a natural skin care routine that nourishes your skin:

  • Avoid anything with fragrance. This catch-all term for artificial scents can include harsh chemicals and other scents that may irritate your skin.
  • Protect yourself when youre outdoors. This means always wearing sunscreen and opting for hats and protective outerwear that keeps you covered.
  • Check for hard water. If your water is hard, meaning mineral-rich, it can dry out your skin and potentially clog pores. Buy a test online and if it reads positive, think about installing a water softener.

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What Is The Correct Order Of Using Skincare Products

Step 1: Cleanse

Step 2: Exfoliate and/or Mask

Once your skin is clean, you can go deeper with an exfoliant or a mask to go the extra mile in clearing your pores.

Step 3: Toner

Now that your skin is super clean, its time to close your pores back up and create a sealed, fresh surface for your products.

Step 4: Facial Spray

Facial sprays can be a great way to quickly, easily and hygienically apply hydration to your skin in addition to mood-boosting fragrance.

Step 5: Treat

Now that your skin is clean and hydrated, add your serum and let them sink in for a couple of minutes before your final step.

Step 6: Moisturize

Thats It Pretty Simple Huh

My morning beauty routine only takes about 2-3 minutes using the above products and THAT is a beautiful thing. Honestly, I spend more time staring at the fridge deciding what to eat for breakfast.

And like I said, its ironic that adopting a very simple, natural skincare routine was able to totally change my complexion I used to think that I really needed all of those harsh chemicals in the products I was using, and the more the merrier. Now I know better and my tears are spent on much more important things, like the movie Up .

What are your natural skincare favorites? Anything in particular thats really saved your skin? Or do you have any questions or comments? Share below in the comments!

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What Causes Oily Skin

Oily skin is caused by overactive sebaceous glands on the skin. These glands secrete sebum, an important substance in keeping the skin radiant, fresh, and hydrated.

However, due to a genetic predisposition, an unsuitable skincare routine, or even your diet, these glands can overproduce oil. This excess of oil clogs pores and causes acne breakouts.

Following a natural skincare routine is essential if you have oily skin. It not only reduces your skins greasy appearance but also leaves your skin looking fresh and vibrant.

What Is The Difference Between Naturally Occurring Naturally Derived And Nature

natural, non

While they are all similar and can be easily confused with each other, naturally occurring, naturally derived, and nature-identical are not the same things.

  • Naturally occurring. An ingredient is considered to be naturally occurring when its found in nature and is used in its natural form, with no further treatment or refining. Raw honey and crushed flowers are examples of naturally occurring additives.
  • Naturally derived. These ingredients need to be treated in order to access particular properties of the raw material. For instance, extracts of raw fat or coconut oil, often used in moisturizers, are treated before being added to a product.
  • Nature-identical. This means that the ingredient has been produced in a lab and is chemically identical to a natural product. Sorbic acid, for example, is originally derived from rowan berries, which contain vitamin C.

Note that this is also not a definitive guide because of the inconsistencies in skin care.

The skin care products weve included in this list are all either naturally occurring or nature-identical. We also picked products based on budget, transparency of ingredients, and customer ratings and reviews.

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Gentle Exfoliation Of The Lips Using Lemon And Sugar

Lips are an important area of the face to be taken care of as they do get chapped and dry due to the external, environmental damage caused by pollution or even the harsh UV radiation of the sun. So, exfoliating them with a Lemon and Sugar scrub every week is a must to remove any surface dead cells and give them an even tone.

  • How to use: Mix two teaspoons of organic, granulated Brown Sugar with 4-5 drops of Lemon and Honey in a bowl. Apply the mixture on your lips and gently massage in circular motions for a minute. Wash it off with warm water. Follow with a lip balm of your choice for an extra dose of moisture. Should be ideally done at night before going to bed. Alternatively, use the Forest Essentials Cane Sugar Lip Scrub to get the desired results. Gentle exfoliation of the lips using Lemon and Sugar
  • Benefits: The Lemon in the lip scrub, an excellent source of Vitamin C, will help remove the tan from the lips. Honey, a natural humectant, will lock in the desired moisture. And the Sugar granules help remove surface dead cells to reveal healthy glowing skin.


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