Exfoliate Twice Per Week
To give an extra boost to your cleansing process, its important to use an exfoliating scrub several times a week. Start with twice per week, and maybe work your way up to three, but I dont recommend any more than that.
If you have sensitive skin, stick to once per week.
An exfoliating scrub helps to clear away deeply lodged dirt, dead skin cells, and whatever other gunk might be on your face. Since this is an intensive wash in an area with sensitive skin, you should never exfoliate on a daily basis.
Over exfoliating can strip the skin of its natural oils, which will cause your skin and its sebaceous glands to overproduce oils to compensate, and this will often lead to breakouts and oily skin.
Even worse, youd then have to read our guide on oily skin, which goes into all kinds of detail about the oily habits of our sebaceous glands.
So, where does exfoliating fit into the ultimate face care routine?
Wash as you normally would, rinse, and then wash again with the exfoliating scrub.
Many exfoliators are marketed to be a one stop shop of cleanser and exfoliant, and they can be. However, since your pores will be getting a deep clean via exfoliation, its best practice to make sure your skin is clean so that excess oil or dirt doesnt get pushed into newly cleaned pores by the exfoliating process.
I typically exfoliate in the evening, but youre more than welcome to do it in the morning instead.
When Should You See Your Doctor
Dr. Wu suggests doing self-checks in the mirror or with a partner three to four times every year, as well as having your skin checked during routine physicals with your family doctor. If you spot signs of new or changing lesions, especially moles or growths that change in size, shape or color, you should see your trusted healthcare provider. If you have skin concerns that arent improved with your skin care regimen, like acne, rosacea or eczema, you should seek help from a board-certified dermatologist.
Skincare For Men In Their 30s
As we get older, our skin loses its ability to bounce back. Much like how our metabolism slows, our eyesight fades, and our hair falls out , our skin changes quite a bit as we age. After we hit 20, 1% less collagen is produced in the dermis each year, and the skins natural exfoliation process decreases by almost 30%. Once we hit our 30s, fat cells shrink due to moisture transfer slowing down between the layers of the skin. And this is just the stuff you cant avoid. Things like a skincare routine, diet, and sun exposure can speed all this up faster than you can say Botox.
So what are you going to do about it? For starters, using products that contain higher doses of antioxidants and vitamin A derivatives like retinol, as well as regular chemical exfoliation, will help you keep your skin soft and supple, allowing you to age a little more like George Clooney and a little less like Keith Richards. These five essential steps will help you get on the right track.
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Skincare Tips For Men In Their 20s
In your 20s, your goal is to preserve and protect your skin. You need to keep your skin clear, fight the occasional breakouts and begin your fight against anti-aging.
Now is a perfect time – when you turn 20, your body’s collagen production slows down – in your 20s, your body produces about 1% less collagen each year).
Your skin’s natural exfoliation process also decreases, meaning your dead skin cells stick together for longer.
Without a solid skincare routine, you may start to see signs of aging as you approach the big 3-0.
The good news is, you’ve got age on your side, and starting with a simple men’s skincare routine now will help you slow down the visible signs of aging. Trust us – your future self will thank you!
What Is The Best Skin Care Routine For Men
Step One Use a good cleanser
Dr. Tarek Al Naggar indicates that men should cleanse their faces at least twice a day.
Cleansing will help unclog pores. Wash your face with slightly warm water and apply your facial cleanser.
Regular soap is too harsh on your skin and removes too much oil. This destroys your skins natural barrier, leaving your face vulnerable to breakouts. Therefore, investing in a well-formulated facial cleanser will help you avoid acne.
Here are 3 cleansers that will clear away impurities and unwanted debris.
Eau Thermale Avène Cleanance Cleansing Gel
Ducray Keracnyl Foaming Gel
A-Derma Phys-AC Foaming Gel
Step Two Moisturize your skin
Its important to moisturize your skin, even if you dont have naturally dry skin. To maintain the skin barrier, we need to use a moisturizer that also gives your skin a visibly firm appearance and has an anti-aging effect. So, guys with oily skin, dont skip the moisturizing step!
Which moisturizer should you choose? And how to use it? Opt for oil-free, water-based moisturizers. They are the best for mens skin and are perfect for after shaving.
Moisturize daily, morning and night. The moisturizer works by retaining water in the skin, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and give your skin a brighter, younger look.
Eau Thermale Avene Hydrance Aqua-Gel
Ducray Ictyane Hydra Light Cream
Step three Protect your skin from the sun
Eau Thermale Avene Very High Protection Fluid SPF 50+
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Add Retinol To Your Routine At Night
Retinol is one of the key players in anti-aging that helps with fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage and hyperpigmentation, says Dr. Wu. Retinol helps chemically exfoliate the top layer of your skin and helps build collagen, which gives your skin that pleasurable, plump feeling. Since retinol makes you more sensitive to the sun, you should avoid doing this in the morning.
How To Expertly Build A Mens Skin Care Routine
Medically reviewed by Kristin Hall, FNP
Caring about your skin isnt shallow and it definitely isnt unmanly. We get it — youre tough — but that doesnt mean your face should look and feel like you live outdoors and exfoliate with 50-grit sandpaper.
Its largely assumed that men prefer the minimalist approach to skin care — a bar of soap in your morning shower and youre good to go. Unfortunately, this approach isnt always best.
As a matter of fact, by keeping things simple, you could be doing your skin a serious disservice by promoting dry skin and acne breakouts, all while doing literally nothing to stop the early signs of aging from developing.
The good news is that putting together an effective skin care routine isnt particularly difficult, nor does it cost very much. Like a healthy diet, the most important part is actually sticking with it over the long term.
Below, weve talked about how you can build a mens skin care routine to keep your skin looking and feeling its best at any age, all without spending a fortune or wasting hours of your day using complicated skin care products.
To keep things nice and simple, weve broken the basic skin care process down into five distinct steps, from working out your skin type to cleansing, getting rid of acne, promoting hydration and protecting your skin from UV damage.
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The Value Of Looking Your Best
Its undeniable if unfair – attractive people earn more money. According to the Wall Street Journal, you could earn up to $230,000 more over the course of your career just because youre better looking than your co-workers and competitors.
But theres an important fact here you shouldnt ignore: good looks are not all genetic. Dont expect to look your best – and reap the documented financial rewards – without putting some effort into it. The small amount of money you spend on a daily skincare routine for men is nothing compared to those big earnings you could see over a lifetime.
For example, say you have a high stakes job interview for a position that could totally change your career. You could go into it knowing youve been taking care of your skin for years, with the confidence and poise that your appearance is just another one of your many assets. Or you could stress about how dry, oily, or aged your skin looks compared to the other guys waiting or their interviews and desperately wish there was something you could do about it now.
The choice is yours. And its an easy one.
Skincare For Men In Their 20s
How often should a man wash his face? As often as you shower, which should be at least once a day. If you skip a morning shower, at least throw some water on your face to clean the sleep out of your eyes and wake you up.
Men in their 20s might not be thinking about skincare as something they should be focusing on, but by adopting a long-game mindset, those small steps you make every day will pay off in a big way exactly when you need them to. At this age, you dont have to spend a ton of money to get those long-term gains youre after, which is great if your career is getting off the ground and all your income is just going toward the basics. Taking care of yourself and your skin should be on that list, along with all the other things that accompany a healthy lifestyle.
If you want to look 21 forever, or at least get compliments on how good you look for years to come, these five basic steps will help you get on the right track.
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The Best Men’s Skincare Regimens For All Skin Types
Stocksy/Design by Cristina Cianci
While each individual has specific needs for their skinwhether its sensitivity, common breakouts, premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and so forththere is still a baseline skincare regimen that unites us all. As simple as it is to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate skin, there are minor adjustments that need to be made for three types of skincare concerns: dry/sensitive skin, oily/acne-prone skin, and anti-aging.
Below are prescriptive routines for those types of skin concerns. To build these routines, we spoke to two trusted, board-certified dermatologistsjust as you should speak with your own board-certified dermatologistto get an even more detailed, tailored routine that builds on the below.
Meet the Expert
- Corey L. Hartman, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Skin Wellness Dermatology, in Birmingham, AL.
When Is The Best Time To Use Sunscreen
You need to apply sunscreen 30 minutes before getting any sunlight exposure. This gives the substance ample time to absorb into the skin to protect it.
A lot of people only think to apply sunscreen when its hot out in the summertime. But even if it feels cool outside, the sun is still out there, and all it takes is 15 minutes to result in damage.
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Drink Lots Of Water Each Day
Water is crucial for healthy-looking skin because it helps flush out toxins. Drinking at least eight glasses of water each day will help keep your complexion looking fresh and clear.
Drink more if you exercise heavily or live in a hot climate, as this can cause you to sweat more than normal and also increase the rate at which you lose water through cell functions.
Add An Antioxidant Serum In The Morning
For something more advanced, youll want to add a product to prevent damage and repair cells, says Dr. Wu. Adding an antioxidant serum like vitamin C can help protect your skin from free radicals substances in the environment and in your body that can cause harm to your cells through normal processes like breathing and aging.
You should put this on after you cleanse but before you moisturize in the morning, says Dr. Wu.
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Stronger Than Yesterday T
This t-shirt will make a good gift for a newly divorced friend. The words Stronger than yesterday is encouraging and it also sends the message of hope. It is another way of telling her that she does not look like what shes been through. This t-shirt is a blend of cotton and other materials. It is light and comfortable and the message on the shirt is worth rocking any day.
- It comes in different sizes
- The quote can be written in black or white
- It is beautiful
- The quote is well engraved
- Its a really keychain. A size bigger than this one with an additional pendant will boost its look.
It is a beautiful keychain.
Use A Cleanser To Keep Your Skin Clean
While it might feel like enough, using your bar soap or splashing some water on your face in the shower each morning isnt enough to keep it clean.
Each day, your skin is exposed to dirt, dust and countless pollutants in the air. Every time you go to sleep, it rubs against your pillowcase and bed sheets. And every time you touch your face, its exposed to the many types of bacteria that build up on your hands and fingertips.
Not only is your face exposed to foreign substances that affect its cleanliness, but it also creates plenty of its own. Throughout the day, your sebaceous glands — small glands located inside your hair follicles — secrete a type of natural oil called sebum onto your skin.
Add dead skin cells into this increasingly crowded biological picture and one thing becomes very clear: your skin needs to be cleaned. Every day. Probably twice.
This is where a good quality cleanser comes into the equation. Cleansers work by removing the unwanted substances that can build up on your skin throughout the day, such as dirt, dead skin cells and sebum.
This helps to keep your skin clean and reduce your risk of dealing with acne breakouts, which can develop when these substances clog your pores.
Since skin can vary so much in oiliness, dryness and sensitivity, theres no best facial cleanser for everyone. Instead, its best to choose a daily cleanser based on your skin type:
Also Check: Skin Science Institute Of Laser & Esthetics
Ing Tips To Keep Skin Care Easy And Fast
Like most aspects of good health, healthy skin starts from the inside. You can prevent problems like premature aging and acne by taking care of your general health — something thats equally as important as any anti-aging cream..
Use the following tips in combination with a good skin care routine to keep your skin looking and feeling its best:
If you smoke, try to quit. Smoking can do serious damage to your skin by reducing its elasticity and making issues such as nasolabial folds more obvious. If you smoke, try your hardest to kick the habit.
Keep yourself properly hydrated. Dehydration can cause your skin to become dry and irritated. Keep yourself properly hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water and other low-calorie beverages.
Protect your skin from the sun. In addition to using sunscreen, you can keep your skin protected by wearing a hat and sunglasses whenever its sunny outside. On bright days, try to spend time in the shade to limit your total UV exposure.
Limit your exposure to stress. Stress is associated with several skin conditions, such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. Try to avoid events, people and situations that cause you to feel overly anxious or stressed out.
Eat a balanced, healthy diet. Your skin is your largest organ, and when youre feeling healthy, your skin will generally show it. Try to eat a balanced diet thats rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, all while limiting your intake of junk food.
The Best Men’s Skincare Routine
A new year means it’s time for a new skincare routine for men.
If youve noticed your skin looking a little dry or has a few more pimples than youd like, then its high time you start being proactive with your skin care routine, especially if youre a man.
Far too many men have minimal or non-existent skincare processes, so make this the year where you finally start taking control of what your skin looks like.
The version of you 10 years from now will thank you for it.
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When Should Men Cleanse Their Face
Ideally, you should wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Men should cleanse their face in the morning as soon as they’re in the bathroom and they cleanse their face in the evening before they go to bed.
Any more than that and you risk drying your skin out too significantly.
The only exception should be if you sweat substantially throughout the day and need to remove sweat and oil more often than usual.
Our Recommended Mens Facial Skincare Routine For All Types
Men commonly face skin concerns such as rough and bumpy skin, increased oil production, and irritated skin post-shaving. Nonetheless, the core skincare essentials still remain the same in order to build an effective routine. Using this foundational set of steps both in the morning and at night helps thoroughly cleanse, hydrate, and refresh your skinwithout stripping away essential moisture.
Here are CeraVes essential skincare steps to follow in a mens facial skincare routine:
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Curology Customized Skincare For Your Concern
Dry skin needs some TLCand that goes for everyone, regardless of gender. A skincare routine with proven moisturizing ingredients and some small lifestyle changes can go a long way.
The moisturizer: A lightly hydrating gel-cream hybrid moisturizer with proven ingredients such as hyaluronic acid.
The rich moisturizer: Designed for dry and deep hydration. It includes hyaluronic acid, shea butter, aloe, glycerin, plant-based squalane, and allantoin to lock down moisture and help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Our products are designed to be non-comedogenic, dye-free, paraben-free, and hypoallergenic. You can give them a try when you !