What Does Petechiae Look Like
Petechiae are flat and look like pinpoint-sized red, brown, or purple dots. Clumps of them on your skin look like a rash. But unlike many rashes, when you press on the spots they don’t turn white. And if the spots are larger and red or purple, you may have another type of bleeding problem called purpura.
Petechiae can form just about anywhere on your body, even your eyelids or inside your mouth.
When To See A Healthcare Professional About Rashes
If you dont already have a physician, you can use the Healthline FindCare tool to find a professional near you.
Go to the hospital immediately if you experience a rash along with any of the following symptoms:
- increasing pain or discoloration in the rash area
- tightness or itchiness in the throat
- difficulty breathing
- swelling of the face or limbs
- fever of 100.4°F or higher
- confusion
- severe head or neck pain
- repeated vomiting or diarrhea
Your healthcare professional may also:
- take your temperature
- order tests, such as an allergy test or complete blood count
- perform a skin biopsy, which involves taking a small sample of skin tissue for analysis
- refer you to a specialist, such as a dermatologist, for further evaluation
Your healthcare professional may also prescribe medication or medicated lotion to relieve your rash. Most people can treat their rashes effectively with medical treatments and home care.
Follow these tips if you have a rash:
- Use home remedies to soothe mild contact rashes.
- Identify potential triggers for the rash and avoid them as much as possible.
- Carefully follow any treatments your doctor prescribes. Speak with a healthcare professional if your rash persists or gets worse despite treatment.
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How To Get Rid Of Red Spots On Skin
To get rid of red spots on your skin, you first need to determine the cause, whether it isenvironmental or an underlying condition. When the cause is not clear, see yourdoctor for definitive diagnosis because there are very many possible causes of red spots on skin. Depending on the cause, various measures, home remedies, and medical treatments may be used to treat ormanage the condition.
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Meningitis Can Cause Petechiae
Meningitis is the infection of the meninges, the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.
One symptom of meningococcal meningitis is a headache accompanied by a petechial rash, known as the meningitis rash. Although the rash is common, it doesnt always occur, so if you have other symptoms of meningitislike a stiff neck and headachebe sure to seek medical care immediately.
The meningitis rash is a petechial rash. At first, you might notice petechiae on the arms or other areas of the body. These may be blanching if you try the clear glass test mentioned above, but as the rash becomes more pronounced it will become non-blanching. The meningitis rash can progress from petechial to a purpuric rash, which looks more like bruising than pinpricks.
Petechial rashes can be hard to spot on people with darker skin tones. Look for the rash on lighter areas like the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. It can also appear on the roof of the mouth or the inside of the eyelids.
Meningitis is a serious disease that progresses quickly. If you have a petechial rash, especially if it is paired with other meningitis symptoms like headache or stiff neck, seek immediate medical attention.
Over The Counter Anti
This is one of the most important medication to treat red spot on your legs and even some other parts of your body if the cause is fungal infection. There are both topical and oral can help hasten the removal of the red rash on your legs. Results may be noted after a week or so of using antifungal creams or oral ones.
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Skin Rashes Caused By Allergic Reactions To Medication
There are two main types of drug-induced skin rashes. One is immediate associated with hives, itching, and often with breathing difficulty, and tongue or lip swelling. If this happens, it is important to seek medical attention right away.
A drug rash can also occur several days to even weeks later. These may include skin bump eruptions, purple or red skin discoloration, or scaly and thickened areas of skin. This skin condition can occur anywhere on the skin or even inside the mouth. In rare cases, such as those accompanied by fever, pain, swelling, eye, mouth, or genitalia involvement, drug-induced rashes can be serious or even fatal, so check with your doctor. Treatment is to stop taking the drug and manage the symptoms with antihistamines or steroids.
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Causes Of Rashes In Children
Children are particularly prone to rashes that develop as a result of illnesses:
- Chickenpox is caused by a virus, and the rash is characterized by small itchy bumps and blisters that form all over the body.
- Measles is a viral respiratory infection that causes a widespread rash consisting of itchy, red bumps.
- Scarlet fever is an infection due to group A Streptococcus bacteria that produces a toxin, causing a bright red or skin-tone-colored, sandpaper-like rash.
- Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a viral infection that can cause red lesions on the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet.
- Fifth disease is a viral infection that causes a red, flat rash on the torso, arms, and legs.
- Kawasaki disease is a rare but serious illness that triggers a rash and fever in the early stages and can lead to heart complications.
- Impetigo is a contagious bacterial infection that causes an itchy, crusty rash and yellow, fluid-filled sores on the affected area, such as the face, neck, or hands.
You can treat most contact rashes, but it depends on the cause. Follow these guidelines to help ease discomfort and speed up the healing process:
Heat Rash Vs Sun Rash
Having red spots on your skin that itch or burn after you’ve been outside can be caused by the sun or by the heat. While heat rash is caused by high temperatures and sweat, a sun rash is more like getting a sunburn.
Heat rash usually gets better on its own in a few days. However, if the skin is injured, it can lead to a secondary infection. In severe cases, oral or topical antibiotics are needed to relieve pain and clear up the infection.
Call your healthcare provider if you notice any signs of infection, including a whitish coloring over the heat rash, flaking skin, or a pus-like discharge.
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Petechiae Treatment And Home Remedies
The rash itself doesn’t need treatment. If itâs caused by a virus, the spots should clear up as soon as the infection goes away.
If you think your petechiae might have been caused by a minor incident, like strenuous coughing, vomiting, or weightlifting, you may be able to take care of it at home by doing the following
Taking extra fluids to prevent dehydration
However, since petechiae may be the result of a serious underlying condition it is best to consult your doctor when these spots appear.
If you have a bacterial infection, you may need to take antibiotics. Make sure you take the full dose of medicine, even if you start to feel better.
More serious diseases such as meningococcal infections, blood disorders, or cancer may need treatment in a hospital. Your doctor may suggest you see a specialist in infections, blood diseases , or cancer to oversee your care.
Common Causes Of Itchy Red Bumps On Skin
The skin is the largest human organ. In fact, it accounts for about 15% of all our body weight. Whats more? Its our first line of defense against infection. Our skin also acts as a shield against microbes and harmful pathogens lurking in the outer environment.
Unfortunately, when infections make it through the outer barrier, the skin is also one of the most affected organs. Most times, when our skin is irritated, it appears as red itchy skin bumps.
However, having itchy red bumps may not be a symptom of an underlying infection in some cases. Most times, your itchy red bumps may be a nasty mosquito bite.
Regardless of the cause of the red bumps on your skin, having these discolorations and inflammation can make you look sick and affect your self-confidence too!
Once a part of your skin becomes swollen, reddened, or irritated, your skin is reacting to something it cant handle.
Unfortunately, a rash is not a specific diagnosis. Rather, it can result from infections, allergies, or something more serious like skin cancer.
More so, skin rashes vary in appearance, depending on their source. While some skin bumps may be hard and firm, others may be soft and moveable. Additionally, the size of skin bumps can also vary. Some may appear small and pimple-like, while others may be as large as boils. Fortunately, whether your skin bump is large, small, irregular, or itchy, its probably harmless.
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Prickly Heat: A Skin Rash When Sweat Blocks Pores
Prickly heat, or heat rash, causes red skin that stings and itches. Small skin bumps may form as well. Heat rash is caused when sweat gets blocked in your pores. This is a common rash in babies, but can occur at any age. This skin condition tends to form where skin rubs against skin or clothing, such as in skin folds of the neck, breasts, groin, and underarms. The best treatment is to cool off, dry off, and reduce friction.
Common Causes Of Itchy Red Bumps On Your Skin
After acne, rashes are the second most common skin infection. Although rashes can affect any part of the body, they often affect the legs, arms, and torso.
Like many other infections, the cause of your itchy red skin may be bacterial, fungal, viral, or parasitic. Although taking over-the-counter treatments can help you eliminate unsightly skin lumps, its usually not so simple. The cause of your itchy red skin has a major role in determining the type of treatment youll take.
Lets dig in! And find out what could be causing your skin to form red itchy bumps.
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Care Advice For Widespread Rashes
Other Possible Causes Of Red Spots On Skin
Kawasaki Disease:a rare disease in children that affects blood vessels. Symptoms include fever,red eyes, red body rash, inflamed red and cracked lips and tongue, and swollenred hands and feet. It can harm the coronary arteries and the heart.
Rheumatoid Arthritis:This is a condition in which the bodys immune system attacks itself causinginflammation in the protective membrane inside the joints. Symptoms include irritatedrash red and ulcers on legs, fever, malaise, appetite loss and weight loss.
Meningococcemia: Thisa bacterial infection caused by Neisseria meningitides bacteria, which alsocauses meningitis. Symptoms include fever, headache, nausea and a rash of smallred spots or patches on various parts of the skin.
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome:Also called herpes zoster oticus, it occurs when a shingles outbreakaffects the facial nerve near one of your ears. It is caused by varicella-zostervirus, which also causes chickenpox. Symptoms include a red rash on face, facial paralysis, andloss of hearing in the affected ear.
Diaper Rash: Itis caused either by yeast infections or contact dermatitis. It is characterizedby red and irritated rash around the diaper area. You can manage it by frequentdiaper changes, use of creams such as Vaseline or Desitin, and exposing a babyto the open air.
Skin contact withsubstances: For example, when your skin comes in contact with poisonousplants such as poison oak, poison ivy, poison sumac, it usually develops anitchy red rash.
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Intertrigo: An Itchy Rash In The Folds Of The Body
Intertrigo is a skin condition that occurs in skin folds, under the breasts, on the inner thighs, under armpits, or under belly folds. Chafing causes a rash of red skin or brown skin that can get infected with yeast or bacteria and becomes raw. The skin rash may ooze and itch. This rash is more common in people who are overweight and in people with diabetes. Treatment involves keeping the areas dry, treating infections, and using antibiotic, antifungal, or steroid creams.
This Type Of Rash Might Seem Harmless But It Can Indicate A Medical Emergency
Skin rashes can occur for lots of reasons and are common in infants, children, and adults.
Many rashes are irritated or itchy, so if you develop pinprick red dots on your skin that dont itch, you might be wondering whats going on.
Oftentimes, this type of rash is caused by tiny broken blood vessels beneath the skin that result in red dots known as petechiae.
Verywell / Theresa Chiechi
If a pinprick rash is indeed petechiae, it can indicate a serious underlying condition like meningitis. If you have pinprick red dots on your skin that dont itch and have emerged rapidly, you should see a healthcare provider immediately, even if you havent yet noticed any other symptoms.
Here is what you should know about petechiae and the causes of pinprick red dots that dont itch.
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Distinguishing Benign Moles From Melanoma
Certain moles are at higher risk for changing into cancerous growths such as malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer. Moles that are present at birth and atypical moles have a greater chance of becoming cancerous. Finding cancerous skin growths early is important because thatâs when treatment is most likely to be effective. Use this ABCDE chart below to help you see changes in your moles at the earliest stages. The warning signs include:
Melanoma |
Hand Foot And Mouth Disease
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common, contagious infection.
About hand, foot and mouth disease
- causes mouth ulcers and spots and blisters on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
- it’s most common in young children , but it can also affect older children and adults
There’s no cure for hand, foot and mouth disease. Its easily spread, so you should keep your child away from school or nursery until they’re better.
Your child’s immune system will fight the virus. It should clear up after about seven to 10 days.
Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluid. If eating and swallowing is uncomfortable for them, give them soft foods, such as mashed potatoes, yoghurt and soup.
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How Can I Prevent Petechiae
Its not possible to prevent all causes of petechiae. But you can help prevent infections that lead to petechiae with some simple strategies:
- Avoid anyone whos sick.
- Clean countertops, door handles and other high-touch surfaces frequently.
- Dont share items that may have touched someone elses mouth or nose .
- Protect your skin from sun damage with clothing, sunscreen and shade.
- Use insect repellant in grassy areas and the woods to prevent tick bites. Also, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, and make sure to check your body for ticks afterward.
- Wash your hands often.
How To Tell If A Red Mole Is Dangerous
In general, doctors recommend keeping an eye on any moles to observe if they change in any way. However, if you notice a new skin growth that is red, brown, black, or pinkish, you should have it checked out by a dermatologist. To check for moles that are changing and could become cancerous, you should follow the ACBDEs. This is:
- Asymmetry. The mole has an irregular shape and one half isnt the same shape and size as the other half.
- Border. Worrisome moles will have a ragged or irregular border.
- Color. The mole has different shades of brown, black, white, blue, or white.
- Diameter. The size of the mole is larger than a pencils eraser.
- Evolves. The mole changes in shape, size, and color.
If a mole exhibits any of these traits, it requires a close look by a physician to be safe. New moles that grow in quickly and any that itch and bleed should also be taken into consideration.
Other warning signs of skin cancer that you should look for are:
Persistent Sores When inflammatory sores form and refuse to go away despite treatment attempts.
Bruises and Aching Melanoma may also come in the form of bruised and off colored skin that lingers much longer than a normal bruise. Some areas of the skin might be tender and randomly ache throughout the day.
Check Your Fingernails Sometimes melanoma can signal its development with the formation of black and brown marks underneath the toe and fingernails. Read also the article about 11 health warnings your fingernails may be sending.
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