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Dry Skin On Face During Pregnancy

When Are Skin Problems A Sign Of Something Serious

Why does my skin feel different and dry after having a baby?

Some skin problems are completely normal and go away after birth, but you should seek an evaluation if you have any new or alarming symptoms. Goldstein explained that most rashes are believed to be caused by immune system changes associated with pregnancy, and some of these rashes can impact the health of the fetus and the mother, so it’s important to get them checked out.

“Itching by itself without a rash can be a sign of underlying liver issues that can occur during pregnancy,” Goldstein warned.

Cholestasis of pregnancy, a reduction or stoppage of bile flow from the liver, typically occurs in the third trimester. The only symptom you may have is severe itching, especially on your hands and feet. A simple blood test to check your bile acids can confirm this suspicion.

Another condition to look out for is Pemphigoid gestationis, a rare skin condition that leads to blisters on the abdomen or all over the body, Yadav said. It usually occurs in the second or third trimester and may cause itching, too.

While rare, these conditions need to be evaluated immediately so you can find appropriate treatment and ensure a safe pregnancy.

Why Do I Have Dry Skin After Pregnancy

After giving birth, along with fluctuating hormones, fatigue and post-partum hair loss dry skin can also continue after giving birth as estrogen and progesterone decline dramatically after labour. If youre breastfeeding, experiencing skin dryness is very common as your body uses lots of water which can deplete your skin of moisture.

Top Skin Care Ingredients To Avoid In Pregnancy

Before we jump into our list, we must point out that evidence-based data on the safety of specific products in pregnancy is limited. In almost all cases, clinical trials on pregnant people that could even start to prove that certain ingredients are harmful are an ethical no-no.

But some animal, anecdotal, or case-specific studies have shown some serious fetal effects related to a few common skin care ingredients. Thats the basis for our recommendations.

The Food and Drug Administration requires cosmetic products to be safe based on their specific uses and labeling, but they dont need FDA approval to be sold on the market.

All of that brings big questions about what cosmetics are truly safe during pregnancy. On this basis, most experts err on the side of caution.

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Dry Skin During Pregnancy

What is dry skin during pregnancy?

Youd think that so-called pregnancy glow meant your skin would be radiant, not reptilian. And yet for many expectant moms, your skin is becoming as dry and flaky as a molting lizard.

What could be causing my dry skin?

Credit a loss of bodily fluids, which are traveling from you to baby, as well as hormonal changes that can have an effect on skin.

When should I go to the doctor with my dry skin during pregnancy?

If the dryness spreads from your abdomen to your arms and legs and is accompanied by red, itchy or raised patches, it could be a condition called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques . Its usually more annoying than anything else and will go away after delivery, but your doctor may be able to prescribe medication to ease your symptoms.

Dry skin can also be sign of dehydration, and thats a problem, since being dehydrated can increase your chances for preterm labor. You should always mention any skin changes to your OB, so he can rule out any other health problems.

What should I do to treat my dry skin during pregnancy?

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

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Treat Stretch Marks And Dry Skin Will Stay Away


Stretch marks are another skin concern you have to contend with when you get pregnant. The nice thing about stretch marksif anything about them can be called niceis that treating and preventing them often keeps other skin problems at bay…including dry, itchy skin. So if you focus on keeping your skin healthy and stretch mark free, the dryness will disappear as well.

We recommend products like Mustelas:

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Skin Changes To The Face During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, you may see stretch marks, veins, skin tags, or other skin developments.

Due to an increase in estrogen, a female sex hormone, any number of conditions may occur, from developing acne or melasma to changes in your skins oil levels, leading to oilier or dryer skin.

Acne: Hormonal acne during pregnancy tends to pop up in the lower third of the face, including the jawline, chin, and the upper neck area. If you deal with acne prior to conceiving, the change in hormones may actually clear it up, but it works the other way, too, causing many pregnant women to develop acne that persists until after they deliver their baby. Most people do require some treatment or desire some treatment and even if the acne goes away, a lot of times it can lead to kind of red marks or dark marks on the skin that then they’ll need to be treated, Tiernan says.

Melasma: Also called chloasma, melasma, or discoloration of the skin in patches on the face, is another common skin side effect during pregnancy. The hyperpigmentation is caused by an increase in hormones, particularly estrogen, which increases the overproduction of melanin and results in darker blotches. People can get this outside of pregnancy, but youre more likely to get it during pregnancy, Tiernan says. Melasma may fade after pregnancy, but you can treat the darkness during or after, if it lasts on the skin.

Darkening Of Freckles Moles And Other Areas Of Your Skin

Increased hormones cause changes in your skin pigmentation. You will notice that areas with dark pigmentation, such as freckles, moles, nipples, areolas, and labia, can become even darker. There is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening. If you notice that a mole or freckle changes in appearance or shape, you should contact your health care provider.

These darker areas can remain darkened after pregnancy. The change in pigmentation can be noticeable, but not drastic.

Want to Know More?

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How Pregnancy Causes Dry Skin

Once you find out you’re pregnant, you start to think about all the ways your body will change. You may not be thinking about your skin, but it’s one of the first places you’ll notice a change.

One of the areas that is significantly affected is your skin, which becomes more sensitive during pregnancy. You may also develop a skin condition called melasma. This causes dark patches to appear on your face. The good news is that most skin problems are temporary and can be treated easily.

One of the main reasons why skin becomes dry during pregnancy is due to the increased levels of hormones in the body. These hormones can have an effect on the sebum production in the skin, which can lead to dryness.

The other reason is that your blood volume increases and there is more fluid in the skin that can be drawn out, leading to dehydration and dryness. The last reason is that your stomach stretches and grows to accommodate your baby, the skin can become stretched thin and lose its elasticity, making it more susceptible to dryness.

If your skin is excessively dry and cracked, you may have a condition called eczema. This is more common during pregnancy and can be treated with over-the-counter or prescription creams. If you are concerned about your skin, speak to your doctor or midwife.

What Causes Skin Peeling During Pregnancy

Skin care products during pregnancy: Q& A| Dr Dray

Peeling skin can be alarming, especially if it doesn’t show signs of improving, but this is a very common symptom in pregnancy, according to Geeta Yadav, M.D., a dermatologist and the medical director and founder of Facet Dermatology in Toronto.

“Hormonal changes and skin stretching can weaken the transepidermal skin barrier, which protects the skin against water loss,” Yadav explained. “These changes during pregnancy can lead to dry or peeling skin around the stomach area, but you can also experience dry, itchy skin around the thighs, breasts and arms.”

Your body uses vital nutrients as the baby develops, which is why it’s recommended that you increase your water intake during pregnancy. Besides dry skin, some clear signs you are dehydrated include dizziness, fatigue and dark-colored urine. Experts recommend you drink eight to 12 cups of water every day to ensure you and your baby remain healthy throughout pregnancy.

If you are struggling to meet your daily target, ice pops and juices are a good addition to your diet. Just remember that juice should be 100 percent fruit juice and pasteurized to avoid sugar and harmful bacteria.

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What Causes Dry Skin In Pregnancy During Winter

It is very common for women to experience dry skin during pregnancy. Throughout Winter, cold air, central heating and low humidity levels can deplete your skin of essential moisture and hydration that it needs to stay healthy and protected, which can leave your skin feeling and looking dry and lacking in a head-to-toe, Mama glow!

As your hormones fluctuate during pregnancy, this cause cause your skin to lose moisture and elasticity as it begins to stretch to make room for your little one, which can lead to itchy, tight, flaky and dry skin.

But, dont worry though Mama as we have the perfect products to help soothe, nourish and moisturise your skin as it grows throughout your pregnancy journey and beyond. Expertly formulated with plant-based actives and nourishing oils in our Omega-Rich Skin Stretch Complex, our pregnancy safe bodycare will help ease feelings of dryness on the skin.

Does Linea Nigra Predict Babys Gender

An old wives tale claims the linea nigra can predict your babys gender.

According to this old tale, if you have a linea nigra that extends from your belly button to your pubic bone, youre having a girl. If the line goes above your belly button toward your rib cage, youre having a boy.

There is no scientific evidence to support this claim, but it is fun to think about nonetheless!

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Wash With Lukewarm Water

Keep your water for showers and face washing slightly cool to lukewarm. Hot water dries the skin pretty quickly. This is why you need to limit your showers to no more than 15 minutes to be on the safe side. Only use soap when you absolutely need to. The less soap the better!

Click here for more skin care tips during pregnancy.


Use Appropriate Cream And Lotion

Numbness in face

After patting your skin dry, use a rich moisturizer all over your body . Reapply throughout the day and use a sunscreen lotion of SPF 15 every day before going out . However, remember that applying a moisturizer only blocks the skins natural water from evaporating. The key is hydrating it from inside by drinking more waterFurther, not all cream and lotions are safe for pregnant women. Creams and lotions containing cortisone and hydro cortisone should be avoided as even though it is not proven to affect the growth of the baby, there are no studies to show that they are safe as well. Here are some cream and lotion that may help to sooth your skin.

  • Petroleum jelly
  • Vitamin E oil or cream

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Skin Changes Throughout Pregnancy

Hormonal fluctuations affect every part of your body, including the skin. They can trigger or worsen preexisting conditions, such as eczema and atopic dermatitis, said Beth Goldstein, M.D., a dermatologist and co-founder of Modern Ritual, a skincare company in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

However, the rise in estrogen and progesterone impacts each person differently. While some women experience worsening symptoms, others find that their eczema improves or clears up during pregnancy. Any changes are likely to be temporary, so you should expect to see a return to your normal skin condition after birth.

In addition to effects on preexisting conditions, pregnancy-specific skin problems can occur. The most common one is pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy , Yadav said. This is an itchy rash that often resembles pink spots all over the body, giving the appearance of hives.

PUPPP typically begins on stretch marks on the stomach, which can then spread to the thighs, buttocks and arms. It usually develops in the third trimester and often occurs during a first pregnancy. The itching can be troublesome and may keep you awake at night, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about specific treatments.

Wash And Dry The Skin With Care

Washing the affected area with care is very important. For your body, use only mild moisturizing soaps that are formulated for dry skin or some gentle shower gels. For your face, use only ph balanced non soap face wash. Wash only once, or maximum twice a day. If you feel you want to wash more often just rinse your face with clean water . Drying the skin is another aspect that you should be cautious about. Only pat dry rather than rubbing your skin as rubbing would damage your skin further.

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Here’s How To Hydrate Your Skin The Right Way:

Avoid anything harsh and stripping. We know, we know…foaming cleansers are sooo satisfying, but they can also be harsher than your skin needs. Use a gentle, unscented, soap-free cleanser or cleansing milk instead.

Add hydrating serums and functional products that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid they deliver moisture directly to your cells. Start slow and see how your skin reacts, and go from there. .

Use a good moisturizer! Avoid anything labeled oil-free, lightweight, anti-acne, or mattifying. Look for gentle, unscented creams that come in a pot. Don’t be afraid of oil: it may be just what your parched complexion is thirsty for.

Want more stage-specific guidance? Try the Baby2Body app today for guided breathing exercises, meditations, and wellness tips always suited to you.

What Causes Dry Skin During Pregnancy

Skin changes during pregnancy| Dr Dray

The life developing in your womb brings many changes in your body, and some of them could be responsible for your dry skin.

  • Your body requires more fluids when you are pregnant to improve the blood volume and pass oxygen. Lack of water or dehydration during pregnancy could make your skin dry.
  • Changes in temperatures and weather, such as humidity and airflow, might result in skin dryness too. This usually happens during summers .
  • Fluctuating hormonal levels during pregnancy could weaken or damage the hydrolipidic barrier that protects your skin surface. This may result in water evaporation from the body, leading to dryness of the skin.
  • Excessive cleaning or washing of the skin could weaken the barrier and dry your skin. Pregnant women who have oily skin tend to wash the face again and again, which should be avoided.
  • If you have hypothyroidism during pregnancy, your skin could be itchy, thick, and dry .

    Image: Shutterstock

  • Deficiency of vitamin A in the pregnancy diet could result in dryness and flaking of the skin . Therefore, doctors recommend the consumption of highly nutritious food while you are pregnant.
  • Stretching of skin over your abdomen could also make your skin dry and lead to flaking and itching. However, it is temporary and could be treated easily.
  • Sometimes, dry skin during pregnancy could become a complex problem for some women.

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    Exfoliate Dry Skin Only Once A Week

    Exfoliation is an important part of a healthy skincare routine. That doesnt change just because you get pregnant and develop dry skin. The benefits of exfoliation are vast and include:

    • Removing dead cells that can clog your pores.
    • Promoting new, healthy skin growth.
    • Allowing healing products like moisturizers and hydrators to penetrate deeper into your skin.

    What does change when you suffer from dry skin is the frequency with which you conduct your exfoliating. We recommend exfoliating only once per week to preserve your skins delicate balance. This will give it time to adjust to the fluctuating hormone levels brought on by your pregnancy.

    Its also important to use a gentle exfoliant so as not to further irritate dry skin. One of our favorite gentle exfoliants is baking soda. We like it because its all-natural, easily obtainable, affordable, and can be used on any part of your body.

    Check out our article Is Your Skincare Routine Safe For Your Pregnancy? for a great all-natural baking soda exfoliant recipe.

    Discover How To Care For Your Skin During Pregnancy Here

    Your body goes through a multitude of changes when youre pregnant. With hormone levels fluctuating and your growing baby taking up a large proportion of daily nutrients skin can become dull and dry, often making that pregnancy glow seem like a complete myth. Dry, itchy skin, and chapped lips often occur throughout these nine months. As the skin stretches during pregnancy, the skin barrier can become compromised which allows for more moisture to escape. This can cause your skin to become thinner and dryer. Fluctuating hormone levels can also have a negative impact on the condition of your skin when pregnant. If youre worried about the causes always consult your doctor who may have suggestions on how to combat them and heres a handy guide to some dry skin issues you may experience while youre expecting.

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    Not Drinking Enough Water

    Your body requires more fluids during pregnancy, and the amount needed increases as your baby grows. If you don’t increase your fluid intake, you may experience symptoms of dehydration, such as dry lips and skin.

    Increased vomiting and diarrhea, which often occur in pregnancy, can also lead to dehydration. Those with severe morning sickness may not absorb enough fluids and this may be the reason behind your dry lips and skin.


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