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Dark Spots On Skin Treatment

Use Turmeric To Even Skin Tone

Hyperpigmentation in Dark Skin Tones: A Dermatologist Shares Skincare Tips & Treatments!

For ages, people in India, parts of Central America, and other subtropical areas have looked to turmeric for its many healing properties, from reducing inflammation to aiding the digestive process. Turmerics benefits also extend to the area of skincare, and its been shown to inhibit the skin’s melanin production, which results in spots due to hyperpigmentation.

  • To fade dark spots with turmeric, make a mask using one part turmeric to one part honey.
  • If you wish, you can enhance the lightening process with a few drops of lemon juice, as long as your skin isnt too sensitive, and the citrus wont come into contact with open skin, like recently broken pimples.

Key Ingredients

Turmeric powder is made from the root of Curcuma zedoaria, a form of ginger native to Southeast Asia. Its active ingredient, curcumin, is what gives it that yellow-orange tinge it’s also what makes it such a potent anti-inflammatory. Turmeric is also found to lighten hyperpigmentation.

What Are Dark Spots On The Face

Dark spots, also known as hyperpigmented marks, are usually patches or areas of the skin which have turned darker in colour than the surrounding area. This darkening occurs when an excess of melanin is deposited on the skin. This can lead to dark pigmentation, discolouration, spots and irregular skin tone. These spots can occur on the face, arms, shoulders, back and hands however facial black spots are usually a cause of concern for many. People from all age groups, both genders and any skin type can develop these spots.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Black Spots On The Skin

The black spots are typically in the ranges of brown. The color of black spots depends upon the skin tone and painless. They generally occur on body parts that are exposed to the sun. Symptoms of black spots are:

  • Oval and flat because of increased pigmentation
  • Tan to dark brown
  • Usually occurs on the region exposed to skin for a period of time like the top of feet, face, hands, shoulders
  • Can form a cluster with time

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What Causes Dark Spots

At first, some of you might get scared when you discover a brown patch on your skin. Its understandable to be worried about it. However, dark spots are nothing serious. They have nothing to do with cancer and wont turn into cancer with time. So, they are not a reason for panic.

The primary factor contributing to the appearance of these patches is sun exposure. Your cells get damaged when they are exposed too frequently to sunlight . As a result, the production of melatonin increases at that particular place.

In simple words, your skin turns dark when it comes in contact with too many UV rays. Imagine it as if youre focusing a ray of sunlight using a magnifying glass on a spot on your skin.

Since we all are exposed to sunlight in one way or another, its very likely that youll get at least one dark spot during your lifetime. The following factors might increase your chances:

  • Being over 40 years
  • Staying in the sun too much
  • Using tanning beds often

Keep Hands Off Bug Bites Blackheads And Other Injuries

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As tempting as it may be to scratch a mosquito bite or squeeze a stubborn blackhead, remember your mother’s warning “Don’t pick!” and follow that advice. “Scratching and picking at a spot will only increase the inflammation that’s responsible for skin discoloration,” says Jeanine Downie, MD, a dermatologist and the director of Image Dermatology in Montclair, New Jersey. “The more you mess with it now, the worse it’ll look later.”

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How To Fight Dark Spots On Your Skin

Learn what hyperpigmentation is and what you can do about it.

No one likes marks on their record — or complexion. You’ve probably heard words like melasma and liver spots. Both refer to the same condition: hyperpigmentation.

“Damage due to inflammation, UV exposure, and other environmental insults causes the cells to produce more pigment to protect themselves,” says Carl R. Thornfeldt, MD, a dermatologist in Fruitland, ID. Changes in estrogen levels can also play a role.

This results in uneven pigmentation, a common condition that can affect any skin tone, “but in different ways,” says Elizabeth Tanzi, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at George Washington University. Lighter skin tones tend to develop freckles and sun spots, while darker skin looks shadowed or patchy, she says.

Since the causes of uneven pigmentation are so common — and the demand to correct the condition is so high — many options exist for treating brown spots and patches. But you can’t treat all spots equally. Before you pick a course of action, see your dermatologist, Tanzi says. Ingredients can be harsh and irritating, so get advice about which to use and how to safely use them the right way.

One option is hydroquinone, a prescription topical cream that slows down the pigment-making processes in the skin, Tanzi says. “Hydroquinone is one of the strongest and most effective brightening agents we have,” she says. But at high concentrations it can be toxic to the skin, she says.

How To Treat Dark Spots

When these spots appear, they can be treated with a topical skin-lightening topical medicine or physician directed procedure.

Sunscreen may help. Sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher helps resolve the spots more quickly. Only sunscreen labeled noncomedogenic should be used. Noncomedogenic means the product will not clog pores.

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Other Causes Of Dark Spots

  • Pregnancy: Pregnant women get a linear vertical dark line on their abdomen. In fact, over three-quarters report this problem although in some, it disappears soon after delivery. However, the line may become permanent in some cases unless if treated.
  • Liver Disease: It refers to a disease that strikes when your bodys iron intake exceeds the required amount.
  • Addisons Disease: The presence of dark spots could signify that you are suffering from Addisons disease. It is caused by the inability of adrenal glands to produce enough cortisol and aldosterone hormones which control the functions of tissues and organs.
  • Hemachromatosis: Resulting from excessive absorption of iron, this disease impairs the functions of major organs including heart, liver, and pancreas. It is a genetic disease passed from one generation to another.
  • Pituitary Tumors: These are abnormal growths that occur in the pituitary glands. They can adversely affect the production of hormones and thus affect many body functions.

Black Spots On Skin Tiny Dots Patches Dark Itchy Pictures Causes Get Rid Treatment & Home Remedies


Various conditions may lead to black spots on skin. The spots usually appear as tiny dots or as patches on any part of your skin. They may be itchy or not, painful or painless, raised or flat, depending on what causes them. This post outlines the causes of black spots or marks on skin with pictures. It also highlights how to get rid of the spots using treatments and home remedies.

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    Is Hyperpigmentation Curable

    While you can get rid of the dark spots and patches, new ones can form.

    Even though you cannot cure all forms of hyperpigmentation, you can prevent it from developing again. Heres what dermatologists recommend:

    • Apply your sunscreen every two hours, and after swimming or sweating.

    • When outdoors, wear a wide-brimmed hat.

    • Try to avoid being outdoors when the sun is strongest, which is between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

    • Use skin care products that are gentle on your skin. If a product burns or stings when you apply it, stop using it.

    • Continue to address the cause of the dark spots. For example, if you have a skin condition, continue to treat the skin condition.

    What Are The Signs

    This type of hyperpigmentation can occur on any area of skin affected by inflammation, says Fishman, but especially those areas that receive sun exposure. These patches, which often appear after an eczema flare-up has resolved, may not go away for several months.

    Common characteristics of eczema spots include:

    • color that ranges from ashy gray to dark brown or deep purplish, depending on your natural skin tone
    • dryness, scaliness, and itchiness on the discolored patches
    • lichenification, or skin that becomes leathery as a result of frequent scratching and rubbing
    • other general signs of eczema, including swelling of the skin, blistering, oozing, and crusting

    Keep in mind, though, that not everyone with eczema experiences all of these symptoms, including hyperpigmentation.

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    Can Home Remedies Help

    If youre hoping to address eczema discoloration at home or searching for gentler alternatives to prescription treatment, you have a few options.

    Fishman suggests considering skin care products with botanical ingredients known to promote lightening by slowing down melanin production. These include ingredients like:

    She notes that youll likely need to use these products for at least 3 months in order to get results.

    Another brightening skin care ingredient that may help lighten hyperpigmentation? Vitamin C.

    According to Green, vitamin C can have benefit because it:

    • has anti-inflammatory properties
    • helps reduce the production of melanin
    • has antioxidant properties that help neutralize free radicals from sun exposure

    Vitamin B-3, which you might know as niacinamide, may also help prevent darker areas of pigmentation from rising to the top layer of your skin, where theyre visible.

    Green also emphasizes the importance of using a moisturizer that repairs the skins natural protective barrier, which can promote healing and minimize discoloration. She recommends trying one with ingredients known to help to lock in moisture and repair the skin, including:

    Experts agree that sun protection is key in preventing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Green recommends applying sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 50 daily and reapplying every 90 minutes.

    Not only that, chronic scratching can lead to lichenification or scarring, Green explains. To help ease itching, she suggests instead:

    Normal Mole Looks Like A Dark Spot On The Skin

    Pin on skin

    A raised black spot on your skin could just be a dark growth that is classed as a regular mole or beauty mark. Normal dark moles can grow anywhere on your body like your face, neck, abdomen, or groin.

    Dermatologist Dr. Amanda Oakely says that most people have some type of moles on their skin. Moles can be of varying colors, and red moles are not uncommon. Normal moles can also be black or brown skin growths. Some other features of normal moles can be:4

    • Dark flat or raised skin spots that range in size from being a tiny black dot to many centimeters across.
    • Dark brown or black bumps that can have a flat or uneven surface and may have rough edges.
    • Raised dark bumps that appear in groups or clusters.

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    What Kinds Of Hyperpigmentation Are There

    The most common types are sunspots , melasma , and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which can appear after a pimple or a burn. According to Richer, in all three cases, UV-ray exposure and genetic factors are at play.

    You can develop spots as early as in your 20s, says Marie-Hélène Lair, director of responsible innovation at Clarins. They can be caused by sunburn or by pimples that were manipulated. With melasma, which is linked to hormonal changes, there is often an accumulation of melanin under the eyes and on the cheeks, she adds.

    Laser Treatments For Darker Skin Types

    Though treating patients of color often requires specialized lasers and experience, we have been very successful controlling acne in this group of patients as well.

    One of the biggest advances in the area is the procedure Photodynamic therapy as well as the use of the Curelight and Blue Light Therapy.

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    Can This Skin Problem Fade

    Read Time: 3 minutes

    Most people will deal with some skin imperfections at some point or another. One common complaint is dark spots on the skin. These spots are more common as patients age or in people with darker skin tones. Though the reasons for getting dark spots vary, there are a few tried and true treatments to consider.

    Home Remedies To Avoid

    FADE DARK SPOTS FAST! Brown Spots, Discolouration And Hyperpigmentation James Welsh

    People may wish to keep in mind that many of the home remedies that webpages recommend may have side effects or no evidence of effectiveness. Examples include lemon and apple cider vinegar. No studies back the claims that these treatments work.

    In some cases, unproven treatments may aggravate the skin. For example, the American Society for Dermatological Surgery do not recommend lemon juice or abrasive scrubs, as these methods could make dark spots worse.

    Some skin lightening products can do more harm than good. Many contain ingredients that can harm the skin or overall health, such as mercury or steroids. Applying these can cause pimples, rashes, and fragile skin over time.

    A doctor or dermatologist can often work out the cause of dark spots on the skin by examining them and taking a medical history.

    During a physical exam, the healthcare professional might perform a Woods lamp skin exam, where they view the spots through a special device that emits black light.

    In some instances, specific characteristics of a spot might require more tests to make sure skin cancer is not causing the spot.

    Anyone can develop dark spots on the skin. Certain risk factors appear to increase a persons chances including:

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    How To Treat Black Spots On Skin

    There are many procedures by which the age spots can be reduced and removed. The most common forms of treatment are:

    • Retinoid solutions:

      These contain retinoic acid and alpha hydroxy acid which promotes healthy skin growth, speeds up exfoliation, and cell multiplication. Retinoid solutions can make skin sensitive to UV radiation and cause dryness.

      Therefore, it is important to wear sunscreen when using the products continuing retinoid solutions. Results will be slow because retinoid solutions take months to be effective.

    • Laser treatment:

      The laser is an invasive treatment for lightening dark spots. In this, a high energy laser is directed at the dark spots which remove skin layer by layer. This solution is faster than the topical solutions but there are some side-effects:

  • Chemical peels:

    Peels and the exfoliating products remove the dead layer of skin. The skin layer after the removal is healthy and evenly toned. There is however a possibility of skin irritation.

  • Cryosurgery: There is also a system of cryosurgery where liquid nitrogen helps to freeze the specific age spots. It should be noted that no cosmetic can cure age spots, it can only cover these spots for a specific period of time.
  • How To Fade Dark Spots In Darker Skin Tones

    Have you tried treating dark spots on your own without getting the results you want? Do you see new dark spots appear as others fade?

    If you answered yes, youre not alone. Darks spots and patches rank as one of the most common reasons that people who have darker skin tones see a dermatologist. The medical name for one cause of these dark spots is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Some people just call it hyperpigmentation for short.

    Before and after treatment for dark spots

    His dermatologist used laser therapy and prescription-strength hydroquinone cream to even out his skin tone in 8 weeks.

    Getting rid of hyperpigmentation begins with finding out why you get these dark spots or patches. If you can eliminate the cause, many spots will clear on their own and you can prevent new ones from appearing.

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    Picosure Laser Skin Rejuvenation

    PicoSure’s advanced technology uses intense photothermal impact to treat pigmentary conditions without damaging the skin’s surface. It is the gold standard for skin rejuvenation and for pigmentation problems. The laser delivers ultra short pulses to the skin to stimulate elastin and collagen production. It also uses the pressure wave technology to break up the pigmentation into tiny grains of sand.

    This revolutionary technology achieves exceptional results without downtime or damage to the skin’s surface.

    Fascinating Home Remedies For Dark Spots That Will Amaze You

    The best skin care to correct dark spots. Get results in just a couple ...
    • Post published:October 14, 2021

    The moment you find a brown spot on your previous unblemished skin strikes you unprepared. All you can think about is that youre getting old. I know the feeling, and I know that you might be embarrassed by these spots that have appeared suddenly on your skin.

    Unfortunately, old age sneaks up on all of us, and we can do little to resist it. However, dark spots, also known as sunspots, liver spots, or age spots are something that can be easily removed. In fact, you can go to the nearest pharmacy and buy over-the-counter cream to lighten your complexion.

    But before you take your purse, lets talk about five unbelievable home remedies for dark spots that will take care of your little problem quickly and efficiently. These remedies are completely natural, and people have been using them for ages to lighten their skin, so you can trust them to work.

    However, before I present to you these five extraordinary home remedies for dark spots, I want to talk about what causes these patches to appear.

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